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Who do you think won the first 2016 presidential debate?

Total Votes: 3,204

  • john hines - 8 years ago

    Yo Mama

  • Jaye - 8 years ago

    Wow. I am surprised by all of the Hillary bashing because she did some questionable things. There is no doubt about that. She did do some questionable things. So did Donald. Not only did he do questionable things and have questionable associates (i.e. mafia) why are you just disparaging Hillary. Both did questionable things (personally, I would rather not vote of either one of them but at this point voting for a third party is wasting your vote). Can we be objective and not praise Donald for doing the exactly same things Hillary has done. They both are liars, both flip flop, both are far removed from the everyday person. Now there are some differences to be sure, but let's not paint the picture that either one of them is a saint.

  • Jon Gramstad - 8 years ago

    Tump couldn't win a debate with himself.

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    Very plain and simple, Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She should be in jail. Main stream media is the reason she is not in jail.

    I do not think anyone is aware of what she has done all of her political life. Controversy constantly surrounded her life from the beginning of her Political career to this day. Coincidence? They are political masters on surviving obvious criminal convictions. a liar. All the video you want to prove it.

    Hillary Clinton has all bad traits. She is a liar. She is a hypocrite, She is a murderer. She is a cheat.

    She has been caught in many lies. All the video one needs to prove that is available. She has become very comfortable saying anything she wants to get away with the hundreds of crimes she has committed.

    What a Horrible Person we have running for President. The worst in history.
    I do not understand for the life of me how people could vote or look up to her. Something is very wrong. when voters cannot see what she is.

    Some Politicians are corrupt in some ways but Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt Presidential Candidate we have ever had. She is corrupt in every way.

  • Keeran - 8 years ago

    I praise Trump for saying it like it is! What I can't get through my head is how can we as a country even consider putting Hillary up for this position knowing all the lies, deception, destruction, loss of life she has caused. Hell she should've been prosecuted just on her email stuff alone ,that in and of itself is a violation which would've gotten anyone else in federal employ fired immediately,but NO, she has too many people bought, too much dirt on others and probably others have just as much dirt or more on her and bill so she has to remain their pawn,but wake up America! We are the stupid ones NOT Donald Trump,he's trying to open your eyes, he's gots lots of guts for doing just that and against what he's had to stand against no less. Kudos to him. Win or lose the election he has already won in my book because he is waking the people of this country up. If Hillary gets in God help us, think Obama messed up the deficit, Obamacare,just wait for socialized medicine. Need an MRI,ok in maybe 6 months you'll get one, ask the folks in Canada how it's working for them, that's why they come here for treatment. Trump didn't pay taxes, gonna tell me you would? Come on tell the truth. Hillary has made a mess of so many things, Bill sold us out to China,how's that working for us? Yeah trump has been brazen enough to call it what it is, gosh no one want to get on the bandwagon with him,why? Cause everyone owes everyone in Washington BUT here's the gteatest thing TRUMP OWES NO ONE!!! I believe he can be extremely suave, quiet,professional, engaging, etc. things needed at the required times. In the public he lets it go to connect with the people, real American people saying just what they're thinking ,feeling, I bet what a lot of other politicians wish they could say too, but they're bought now. But behind the doors where propriety is necessary he'll be able to do what's necessary like anyone else plus he'd surround himself with a good core of folks to help him who are knowledgeable in their respective fields. I think he needs to be given a little more credit, hey he may be our next president. You never know,anything can happen, right?

  • Vlad - 8 years ago

    Trump says anything that comes into his head. What comes into his head is mostly vicious nonsense. Why would anyone think he could be president?

  • Oleg - 8 years ago

    Ha ha. Donald Trump couldn't beat a dead cat in a debate. He's going to make the members of NATO "pay their fair share", he rants about how horrible our infrastructure is (though it does seem to be only east coast airports that he cares about), yet the fact that he himself pays no taxes means that he is "smart". A coherent policy - NOT.

  • Jouko - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump had two opponents in the debate - Holt & Hillary collusion

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