Which Platform Would You Prefer a New Good Pony Game on If You Could Only Pick One?


  • Ivar - 8 years ago

    As for which I'd prefer a pony game on it'd be 3DS, that's even the most available for the target audience.

  • Ivar - 8 years ago

    I prefer having PC and gaming separate. Computers are more expensive and consoles lasts longer anyway. I used to play on PC, but got so sick and tired of having to fix it or buy new ones. It's expensive and a waste of money. PC always causes problem, people who call it 'master race' are either rich or retards.

  • jus'me - 8 years ago

    And no, not everyone owns a PC. I know many people who doesn't, mostly kids and older people though. But KIDS are the target audience for MLP.

  • jus'me - 8 years ago

    magmamaster1801, not all PC's can handle games.

  • Shadow Wing - 8 years ago

    yes a lot of people have PCs. are they gaming PCs? probably not. are they more likely an affordable one to go on online and due work, research projects, or chat on social media? Yes. Framerate lock has nothing to due with it. its more of will the game actually work on this pc or will it crash? will the game support a controller or will it be a keyboard only or have custom control layout? Will i need to upgrade my current computer to possibly play this? Will i need to install a bunch of extra pieces to play it and so on.

    Console: buy console, buy game, and play game.

  • magmamaster1801 - 8 years ago

    I don't know why anyone would want to have it anywhere exclusively but on PC. Everyone has one, it provides the best experience. I see people saying "I want a stable experience so no PC" you do realize you can lock the framerate, right? Also why care about stability if it fluctuates between framerates far above your monitors refresh rate anyway? my framerate in most games fluctuates a lot but I don't complain about my CS:GO framerate because it can be anywhere from 300fps to 700fps.
    If it could be on only one platform the PC is also best because everyone owns and and those who don't own anything or can't play it either way. If you can afford a console, you can afford a PC.
    I ask why not choose the platform that will give most people the chance to play? Gaming is about having fun so the only platform who gives you great freedom should be the obvious choice. I am proud that PC is so far ahead and it shows that people here care for the other's experience instead of trying to get something just for themselves.

  • Kelsi - 8 years ago

    PC=Overrated and boring.

  • invinible - 8 years ago

    I went with other since the Nintendo NX seems to give the game the most room to be an interesting game.

  • Hoploo - 8 years ago

    I am very proud.

  • Yotes - 8 years ago

    Of course most EQD readers would be Steam users, so the answer is pretty skewed. My surprise is seeing 3DS/PS4/Wii-U above mobile (the platform where we see most official MLP games).

    Good thing indies seem to have PC pony gaming goodness down pat. We've got NIA, Ambient, Sulfur Nimbus, Fightin' Herds, and Battle Gem Ponies on the horizon. It's gonna be a bronypalooza over on Steam next year!

  • MSFT Fan - 8 years ago

    Where the BUCK is the Windows Phone/Mobile option? There are plenty of people that use windows phone, the Gameloft game is on that platform!

  • kenny ramsey jr - 8 years ago

    where is the ps vita?

  • AtrusOranis - 8 years ago

    @Shadow Wing
    I think any pony game would be a "stable" experience :P

  • Shadow Wing - 8 years ago

    I prefer a stable Experience so anything other than PC. Don't get me wrong PC is fun, but with all the different gaming rigs and other software setups one game can work great for one person but crash for another. so like i already said I would want a stable experience so any of the other choices are fine.

  • name - 8 years ago


  • Neomew - 8 years ago

    Well the good thing of it being on PC is mods!!! :D

  • TG - 8 years ago

    PC is overrated. I mean seriously. And think about it, this is PONY! The target audience are kids, so to make a game kids and adults can both play should be on consoles kids have access too as well. PC is mostly played by adults and late teens, not many of the younger people even uses it.

  • FlutterTreePony - 8 years ago

    PC, or more specifically, Mac OS X master race and Windows.

  • Lexi - 8 years ago

    It's funny, because you can pick only one.

  • thelolmobile - 8 years ago

    pc master race

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    I definitely prefer console gaming to PC gaming tho the only games I play right now are on my PC because I'm not a gamer anymore so now I only play things if it is pony related. But if there was an offical pony game I would def want it on a console. I am a fan of the Xbox. I have a 360 and original. But really have no reason to get an Xbox One.
    My uncle owns a PS4 so I would choose PS4 just because it's accessible to me XD

  • Fraki3635 - 8 years ago

    Where the heck is NX??!!

  • Dogman15 - 8 years ago

    Do what Tadpole Treble (made by the artist of the Brawl in the Family webcomic) did: Release it on Steam, then get it on the Wii U and maybe other consoles.

  • Gemini Jim - 8 years ago

    Augmented reality ponies on iOS. Gotta friend 'em all!

  • InfinityDash - 8 years ago

    I don't really understand a lot of these recent polls... What is the purpose of this question??? Of course PC is going to win by a huge margin, since that's the one thing (almost) everyone has and an MLP game would almost certainly be not very demanding, CPU/GPU-wise. This question essentially boils down to "What system do you play games on?"

    I think it would have been more interesting to say "besides PC or iOS/Android" since I think a game for the 3DS would be a good idea and it would possibly sell best on that device of all the consoles listed. There *was* a G3 MLP game for the original DS.

    Anyways, yeah... Seth specifically asked for new poll suggestions a few weeks back (in the Poll Results for "In An Alternate World, Fluttershy is a...") but he hasn't used any of the suggestions yet as far as I can see... oh well.

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