Do you support N.J.'s gas tax deal?


  • Fred - 8 years ago

    Can`t we impeach FAT BOY and the other JERK, little Sweeney.

  • Anthony Cataline - 8 years ago

    The 11th hour rush to vote is yet another political manipulation within an already corrupt special interest state. Those with little regard for the middle and lower class working stiffs must be voted out of office . What else is in that bill of which we are unaware?Maybe that's why the rush. Lastly, if those who are supposed to act in our best interests did what they were elected to do,this state wouldn't be in the shape we're in.

  • Susan Barbey - 8 years ago

    NJ Legislators (press) (emailed tonight on 10/5/16)

    For all of you with morals, intelligence, courage and conviction: thank you for stopping this today.

    Once again, you succeeded and STOPPED bill S2411/A11 (estate)---S2412/A10 (gas) to protect the residents of the state of New Jersey.

    The Sarlo/Oroho bills have been DOOMED from the start.

    To pair a regressive gas tax (people with the least are the least able to pay it) with one of the largest tax cuts in NJ history for NJ's wealthiest residents: [1. the repeal of the NJ estate tax and 2. an income tax pass of up to $100,000]-is the work of people chiefly concerned with their own financial profit. It's so evil it's makes the hair on my arms stand up.

    These people don't care about this state or the people who live in it. They only care about themselves. (Those "little" tax cuts for the poor, vets, scintilla sales tax cut---are an insult to the NJ public when measured against the HUGE cuts for NJ's wealthiest).

    Gov Christie has been confident that he will succeed in DUPING the NJ public. That he can rob the future of this state; ALL with this bill that he says he'll sign in the name of "tax-fairness". The legislators who support this bill are despicable Yesterday (based on what the press said), I was despairing that NJ legislators were going to sell the people of New Jersey OUT, increase the gas tax by $.23 cents ------ and pay Gov Christie $1.4 billion in tax cuts for the wealthy to fund the TTF.

    If NJ needs money and a tax hike is the only solution (I don't know that it is)--increase a tax that we all pay but a tax that proportionally impacts people WITH money vs on a commodity we ALL must use--weather we can afford it or not (like gas).

    Does NJ need death tax reform (inheritance and estate)? YES. NOT THIS WAY. I've spent the past 2 1/2 years of my life working on this. But to tie such reform to a gas tax increase or to ANY tax increase is INSANITY. IT'S AN ASSAULT ON THE STATE OF NJ and its people.

    I didn't spend these last 2 1/2 years of my life on NJ death tax reform to: 1) witness the NJ Gov and vocal legislators purposely BURY the NJ inheritance tax (regressive and discriminatory) from the NJ public when BOTH death taxes need to be addressed 2) witness the bulldozing of the NJ public to get the estate tax repealed (and other tax breaks for NJ's wealthiest)--tied to funding the TTF.

    Do the right thing.
    STOP bill S2411/A11 (estate)---S2412/A10 (gas)

    CALL your LEGISLATORS and tell them TO VOTE NO.

  • Julie Reinhart - 8 years ago

    Stop the gas tax, you take enough money from all New Jersey residents. I pay enough taxes on my house and am sick of the politicians that work against us and only for themselves.

    I work every day over 10 hours and travel over 1 hour each way in traffic and BS. I am so tired of this state and getting ripped off. What do the legislators of this state do for us, Nothing! What happens to all the Lottery money when it rolls over week after week and no one wins. Do you know how many people play and lose. Where does that money go, in politicians pockets. We give to schools, seniors supposedly and my husband is on a fixed pension. Are the legislators on fixed pensions, I think not. Why don't you give us a break!!!

  • Bob kozar - 8 years ago

    Why 23 cents/gal? That much money will surely induce waste on pet projects. Decrease in sales tax will hardly be noticed. Except in budget deficit Maintain estate tax, just increase threshold. Other than that its a good deal!

  • DONAL SHEAHAN - 8 years ago

    I will be watching how the vote goes 9n Friday. all incumbents who vote Yes on this will be history in my book on Nov 8th.

  • pat mcandrew - 8 years ago

    Instead of using the numerous port authorities and transportation authorities as a patronage job mill and a slush fund for the governor's anointed projects, why does't NJ use that money instead to repair roads and rails? There is a clear link between the waste and patronage revealed in the Bridge-gate trial and the alleged "need" to increase the gas tax.

  • DAWN TEDESCHI - 8 years ago

    I think it's time that we see the budget and where are tax paying money is going to. An annual report would suffice, if that isn't fudged. A gradual increase over a five year period would have been the better option. Middle class again gets stuck with supporting NJ. Does Christie pay for gas or is that a write-off?

  • William K - 8 years ago

    This is essentially a massive tax increase which will impact the middle class and small businesses the hardest. Instead of giving us a benefit when we die [elimination of the estate tax in Jan. 2018] how about leaving the gas tax alone and let us benefit now, while we are alive. NJ is one of the most overburdened States in the Union from a tax perspective and this will just sink the State deeper. I also like the automatic increase provision in the proposed legislation in August 2017, when the gas tax revenue falls short or anticipated receipts [which it will, Trenton math is way off the mark].

  • Ed Nash - 8 years ago

    Why doesn't the state stop overpaying the Contractors that are doing the repairs, that would save the State a lot

  • pole732 - 8 years ago

    Why are the cost for repairs , maintenance and upgrading more the 10 times what any other state in the whole nation pay If they addressed this problem all along there would be NO need for any increase on any Nj taxpayer who are already the HIGHEST TAXES people in the nation

  • pole732 - 8 years ago

    Why are the cost for repairs , maintenance and upgrading more the 10 times what any other state in the whole nation pay If they addressed this problem all along there would be NO need for any increase on any Nj taxpayer who are already the HIGHEST TAXES people in the nation

  • Kathy - 8 years ago

    Janet... Your comment is a JOKE!
    Janet Bossack- 2 hours ago
    1. The 23 cent gas tax will in the long term benefit a lot of people. The earned income tax credit increase will help the lower middle class.
    2. The sales tax reduction helps everyone, especially with larger purchases such as auto sales tax. KEEP IT! I won't see any relief!
    3. The pension and retirement will benefit most senior citizens. There are a lot of retired people still making money beyond Social Security. Most seniors leave NJ BECAUSE OF HIGH PROPERTY TAXES!
    4. The estate tax is the biggest savings for people. - ONLY 4% of the state will see this! 96% is NOT EFFECTED!

  • TC - 8 years ago

    If they pass this gas tax against the will of the people -

  • Terry Harris - 8 years ago

    I can see the need for the gas tax. The problem is WILL IT GO TO WHERE IT IS SUPPOSED TO. We all know how this works. They say one thing and do,another with the money. The estate tax thing is a joke. That is ONLY GOING TO EFFECT THE VERY RICH IN THIS STATE. It will only effect the estates of about 100. People a year. It does nothing for the average NJ resident. The cut in the sales tax amounts to NOTHING. It will save the average citizen less than a hundred dollars a year. The problem is WHY WAS NOTHING DONE FOR SO LONG ABOUT THE TRANSPORTATION FUND. IF the gas tax had gone up a cent or two a year at a time the effect on people would not be as sever as to what they are asking for now. It is just poor planning by a very bad governing body.I could go on for much longer but I will stop here. I just wish those who are in charge just had the people in mind instead of their own themselves while in office.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    What a joke! Id say let the people of New Jersey vote for these types of deals but I guess in the end it's not what the people want.

  • TW - 8 years ago

    Why cut the sales tax? A property tax cut would be a more direct benefit to NJ residents. At least with a sales tax and a gas tax you capture some non-NJ resident tax revenue as people pass through the state.

  • Janet Bossack - 8 years ago

    1. The 23 cent gas tax will in the long term benefit a lot of people. The earned income tax credit increase will help the lower middle class.
    2. The sales tax reduction helps everyone, especially with larger purchases such as auto sales tax.
    3. The pension and retirement will benefit most senior citizens. There are a lot of retired people still making money beyond Social Security.
    4. The estate tax is the biggest savings for people.

    I will be more than happy to pay the additional 23 cents per gallon. We were paying the 4 plus dollars 2 years ago for a gallon of gas. The money has to come from somewhere to pay for the roads that we constantly complain about.

  • Nate - 8 years ago

    I don't see any relief for the middle class. You know, the people who pay for everything. I see breaks for the retired, poor and rich. If you call the poor attempt at a sale tax cut our bone...Trenton is very out of touch with us. I will be voting everyone out of office.

  • Philip Gamarro - 8 years ago

    The gas prices are finally at a respectable level. Now our rotund governor wants to jack the price up 23 cents. He plays with himself.

  • John - 8 years ago

    It should be made well known that those who vote for this will be out of a job soon.

  • Tony Costa - 8 years ago

    Do you think the people that represent us in Trenton are a little out of touch with us?, vote against the ones that are not representing your interest.

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