Do you think the Calgary Police Service should be more transparent about incidents involving its officers?


  • Sheree Lambert - 8 years ago

    I totally agree, all cops should wear a bodycam, that way when the case goes to court it will show all the drunken, vile, lewd, violent behaviour that the cops have to deal with on any given day or night....lets make that public too, to the fairness of transparency.

  • Rick - 8 years ago

    All cops should wear body cams and vehicles be equipped with dash cams - an independent organization should be able to review the footage without interference from police. Police culture needs a complete rethink and the only way progress is going to be measured is from outside. Police investigating police doesn't promote transparency never has and never will.

  • Sheree Lambert - 8 years ago

    Isn't it funny how everyone is shouting about transparency when cops are involved but when it concerns them or theirs it's all about their right to privacy! If that's not a double standard I don't know what is....oh but I forgot, they are 'servants' after all!
    It's a real shame that the CPS can't divulge information in ongoing cases, that would certainly make things more transparent for all, see the public at large complain then!

  • joe man - 8 years ago

    The police are our servants. Funny to hear the servants telling their masters that they won't give us video we own. Especially funny when they say it is "before the courts" as an excuse because matters before the courts are public, except of course for incidents involving minors and sexual assaults, etc.

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