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Do you think Guam Republicans should withdraw support from Donald Trump? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 403

  • Frederick M. Salas - 8 years ago

    Can you tell me, how many years, decades the Popular Party now call the Democratic Party of Guam have been running the Government Of Guam, the Unicameral Guam Legislature, and the village Mayorship? I understand they are the Party for the poor, the hard working people, and just curious how successful their policies and programs have been? Have poverty been eliminated from Guam? Have the hard working people no longer hard working because the their policies and program have been completely successful? Just want to know. Thank You.

  • Jerry - 8 years ago

    ,Lets see, Bill has said she eats many pies with him too. Good qualification, I must say...

    Oh by the way, Hillary is fighting for women's rights, but does her plan to bring in thousands more Muslims (mostly men) into the USA better for women.

    Is it okay that most of her donors are from the Middle East, where women are treated as just trash?

    Don't you know that Sharia law that all Muslims (many secretly) believe in (those that deny are liars, also a pillar of their faith) puts women as property of men, old Muslim men marry children (little girls), that women cannot drive (check out the middle east laws), that women must cover their faces, that women cannot talk to other men without being accompanied by a male of the family. Must I go on.

    Her husband raped many women and continues the practice to this day of trying to seduce women.
    Either the Guam congresswoman is blinded by her own ambition, or she refuses to see the evidence that Clinton is the worst of the two running for president.

    The Clinton foundation has pillaged the US Treasury, and has a sign in sheet to pay to meet the Secretary of State...
    Look at the evidence. The crumbs all lead to the cookie monster!

    Trump is just like yo Debbie of the Guam Democratic party! How many men has she groped, or she has allowed to grope her.
    Don't you remember her younger days of sex, drugs and rock and roll?
    The Congresswoman from Guam, didn't seem to have a problem hiring a CHIEF that is sexual pervert... A real sexual predator, not a talker like Trump, and Bob Cobal whistling in from the mainland USA, and many other men in the world. It doesn't make it alright, but tell me you don't know any men in your families that don't talk crap about women just to be "in".

    Look at all the distortions and smokescreens of the Clinton Foundation, the killings of the US personnel in Libya, the money for Haiti. Oh but Hillary's brother got on a corporation to extract gold from Haiti.

    Blinded by the light many of you are...

  • Basta Man - 8 years ago

    Does it really matter. Guam "CAN'T VOTE " for President !!!

    It's just like asking an 18 year old if they prefer Budweiser or Miller ... knowing damn well they 're not
    entitled !

    Basta de mala kuskus !

  • Bob Coble - 8 years ago

    Of course the Republicans on Guam (and everyone else) should withdraw their support of Trump. He is the most despicable candidate for president the country has ever had. The support that he has in Guam makes Guam look rather pathetic. Sadly, I see that many people on Guam believe the lies and distortions that the GOP, Fox News and Trump himself have been saying about Hillary. The fact is that she has done far more good for the USA than ANY of the folks who ran or are still running for president. As a person who lived, taught, and served in the Army Reserve -- on Guam for 14 years, and who often praises the island and its people to others, I must say that I am ashamed at the ignorance and bigotry of so many of the folks of Guam.

  • John - 8 years ago

    Bill Clinton will enjoy bringing more Monica Lewinski's over to the Oval Office for a good time once Hillary takes on Air Force one, that for sure. Horney Bill Clinton!

  • Taotao tano - 8 years ago

    My opinion does not matter because I am a resident of Guam and do not have the same voting rights as residents living in the US but we can serve and die for the US defending.

  • Keith - 8 years ago

    I have no faith in either one of them, but if I was to vote I'd choose trump.

  • Conservative Republican - 8 years ago

    Thanks for the Constitution that there is a 3rd party selection/write in section. Trump is a closet Democrat,. Vote for the liberterian/green party.

  • i don't like bullying - 8 years ago

    Trump is a bully who doesn't accept responsibility for any of his actions or words. Instead of an apology he points the finger to someone else. Ex. he twitter and bullied a Gold Star Family... And then tried to justify it. I know it's confusing for those who support him, and i expect a lot of Trump Bully Sadistic Toxic comments to follow this comment. But wow! There is a time to be loyal to our party, and a time to stand up and say we have to say we have our own set of morals we have to follow.

  • Islander - 8 years ago

    All this info on these two people, skeleton in there closest all came out...the truth of of her & him??? did they become candidates for the seat of presidency? We have prior military high ranking officers that best qualify...they know what a president should be doing with prior military background will help protect our states...not these two!!! Oh, well I guess dang if we do and dang if we don't!!! This world is in trouble!!!

  • Notnow - 8 years ago

    No they should not, putting aside all the slander being said about Clinton, reading about what she has done, voting her into the presidency is like saying she is immune to prosecution. She has lied,lied and lied to everyone, we here on island with our sons, Daughters, Fathers, Mothers, serving in the Military, how would we feel if Clinton gets into Office than deploys ours into harms way than abandons them, harm comes to them, than her response would be so what shit happens. But than again we can't vote so as far as clintons conserned, she'll probably say who cares.
    And no offense, everyone male/female say lewd comments everyday, why bring up something from long ago, Locke Clinton said so what.

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    I think all the democrats should pull their support for crooked Hillary.

  • Islander 2 - 8 years ago

    Absolutlety not . All of us has said things that are inappropriate and we hold our respectable positions in our job . I think it's hypocritical for anyone to think it disqualifies him from running . J.F.K was a womanizer and known to have had many affairs during his time in Government, Bill Clinton raped a woman and forced himself on a few others also that occasional BJ on the side by an intern . while his wife made sure they kept their mouth shut about the ordeal or suffer the consequences. Clintons are professionals in playing dirty and hiding it .. Trump is not but is learning a hard lesson in the world of politics .. if anything they are both extremely flawed .. they both have skeletons in their closet . Who are we to judge . We can only elect the person who will bring something different or a person who has been in politics her whole life and mattered the art of Bullshit . just vote for who you think will make America prosper and start repairing itself . For anybody to think Clintons hands are cleaner are freakin idiots ! Lol.. thanks Gov Guam .

  • alfred asahan - 8 years ago

    They should not of given their support in the first place, shows that this Republican Party does not have the People as their priorities only for themselves and other Republican candidates.

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