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Would you be able to forgive the Other Woman?

Total Votes: 1,674

  • YVETTE - 7 years ago

    You don't forgive for them, you forgive for yourself. Wish them well and keep it moving.

    No one can take what is yours anyway. You can either be bitter or better, but you can't be both.

    Hats off to Mashonda!! That's her choice. AMEN.

  • JB - 8 years ago

    It doesn't matter karma is a B.....he"ll do the same to her....gladly let her have him if she has him we weren't supposed to be together

  • Mesha williams - 8 years ago

    It does not matter if she was committed to me or not the point is her slimy grimy ass knew about me and that makes her so much a part of the problem and she also knew they had kids so she should have stepped back until he broke up with her but instead she threw him a party for his birthday while he was still with mashonda so she was outright blatant with her tactics. MS goody two shoes........ NOT

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