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Who Is MOST Responsible For Morgan's Tragedy?


  • Karen Robinson - 8 years ago

    I agree with Beverly Julian knew sonny had a hit out on him,but he did state i will hit first,so what if he paid the guy to plant the bomb and told his driver to leave the key in the car and maybe some one knew at the bar Morgan was drinking heavy,so the bartender took his keys ,so Julian parks his car and leave the Keys in the car not to upset about it but fire the dude why if you left the key in the car.

  • princes - 8 years ago

    If Julian had left Duke along. Morgan would be alive. He sent the spiral of events to happen.

  • Dawn - 8 years ago

    I say Ava. Reason. The med swap. If she didn't swap the meds, then Morgan wouldn't have gone off his rocker. He wouldn't have suddenly had the notion to join PCU and then constantly struggle resulting in buying a paper and getting kicked out. He wouldn't have gone around second guessing Kiki's motives and would have probably realized and understood why she wanted to reach out to Dillian about Paul being the serial killer.

    We had seen Morgan when he was 'sane' with taking the meds and everything was going well for him. He even had a level head when dealing with a guy who tried to pick up Kiki, but that all changed because of Ava. And if Morgan had been taking the proper meds he wouldn't have reverted to the bottle, which ultimately had him steal a car. As for the car bomb... Sonny said he wanted something to not be traced back to him... car bomb is too obvious

  • Betty - 8 years ago

    Ava - He would not been all crazy if she had not switched pills - Also Julian trying to get back at Sonny - really when has Sonny tried to take revenge on Julian by hurting his kids. Ava is stupid - what if Morgan had done something to hurt KiKi or Avery because she messing with medicine. She is one selfish person. Play your part girl. She is an excellent actress.

  • Brenda Taylor - 8 years ago

    It could also be Nina or the so called priest..hmmmm?!

  • Ronnie Whitehead - 8 years ago

    Sunny wanted to kill Julian, needed to die eva messed with his pills and Morgan took the car they all have something to do with Morgan's death

  • Linda R Carter - 8 years ago

    Julian paid the bartender to get him drunk,then took his keys.And then set up the rest to set up Sonny.

  • Donna N - 8 years ago

    Auto correct... word should be Ava not available in my post

  • Donna N - 8 years ago

    Available is responsible for Morgan alleged death. I wonder why Bryan Craig left, he was doing such a great job playing bi-polar. I wonder will Morgan's death break Sonny and Carly apart. This could be a excellent storyline as everyone comes to terms about the violence and repercussions and the enabling of Sonny and his lifestyle.

  • Rick Shultz - 8 years ago

    Who else would want revenge on Julian for a fact? Alexis! She lost the case in court against him for trying to kill her, and walked away free. He keeps bothering Alexis at the house unexpectedly walking in. She can't get over this and she's continuously drinking non stop. She possibly could have planted the bomb or had some plant it for her. Long time before they were married, Alexis knew he is with the mob. She may have had one of his guys she knows plant the bomb for her as an inside job. Julian thinks it's Sonny right away because he's his biggest known enemy in Port Charles, that he would do this. Even though it's true Sonny could do this stuff planting the bomb himself or have someone else do it for him, it's throwing everyone off guard when it's not him at all.

  • Nilda gonzalez - 8 years ago

    Eva should go to jail.and the one that try to kill julian sabina brother dor kilking his brother

  • Nilda gonzalez - 8 years ago

    Eva should go to jail.and the one that try to kill julian sabina brother dor kilking his brother

  • sandy - 8 years ago

    I am SO sick of Ava getting away with Everything she does......

  • Taz - 8 years ago

    What about Alexis? Sonny called off the hit. Alexis is completely erratic right now. Maybe she put a hit on Julian as well.

  • Winona - 8 years ago

    I believe it is Ava's fault because Morgan was taking his medications like he was suppose to and was doing well, until Ava with her messy shelf went and changed the medications. Now she wants to act like she is so hurt about him dying. I hope they find out about everything she has done from her killing Connie, blackmailing Paul, and now changing Morgan's meds. She needs to pay for all the things she has done & Julian also needs to pay for what he has done too.

  • Beverly Williams - 8 years ago

    So for the sake of mistery. Let's just say that Julian knew about the hit that Sonny had on him and that it had been called off. Soooo Julian planted the bomb in his own car, put some random homeless man's dead body in it to make it look as if he had died in the car knowing that Sonny would be under investigation as he wreak havoc in Port Charles and no one would be the wiser. The DNA of the body found will not be a match for Morgan. However Julian didn't plan on Morgan stealing his car! That why Sonny's contact can not be found.

  • samuel phillips - 8 years ago

    I am so sick of Ava and Julian getting away with murder, Ava for Connie and indirectly Sabrina through Paul, and Julian for Carlos and Duke. They take the one decent constant (Sonny and Carly) and destroy it and THESE degenerates get to walk around scot-free? Even if the blame is placed on Paul Hornsby, these two need to pay for their crimes, and this time MAKE IT STICK!! What are the writers thinking of? The message says being selfish and cowardly win in the end. Allowing villians to continually get away with murders against our core characters has a certain appeal, but in the long run turns us away. Right this wrong before you further alienate more viewers. We watch soaps as a form of escapism, and at the end of the day we want our hero(es) to ride off into the sunset on the proverbial white horse wearing the proverbial white hat. You take that away and you push us away.

  • JACQUELINE PRESTON - 8 years ago

    How do they know it was a bomb? No one from the bomb squads gas investigated the explosion.

  • JACQUELINE PRESTON - 8 years ago

    How do they know it was a bomb? No one from the bomb has investigate the explosion.

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