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Donald Trump says the presidential election is rigged. Do you agree?

Total Votes: 9,087

  • JL WATKINS - 8 years ago

    I have been diligent in keeping up with the campaigns of both Parties & listened very carefully to the Presidential debates. It is evident that main stream media is biased, always slanting in favor of the Democratic Party. The media insults & inflames any issue they can against Trump but they have yet to even mention a single one of Hilary's lies, past or present. They don't mention her previous misconduct towards women, they don't bring up any of her war crimes or her deception and crimes against America. After each debate I've witnessed main stream media side with Hillary and attack Trump, even when Trump had a much better solution oriented answer. As for rigging the election, it has already been proven just how far the Democratic Party is willing go to rig the votes in Democratic favor. Evidently, Hilary already had a scapegoat in place & ready when her team got caught rigging a couple months ago. There's no doubt the Democratic Party already have their scapegoats lined up in case they get caught again. The Democratic party rigged the election to vote Obama in for his second term as President & they are definitely trying to rig it for Hillary to win this time. If she does indeed win, it'll leave Obama free & clear to finally follow through on Hillary's indictment & claim the Presidency for a 3rd term. Since there would be no time to hold a new election & with the new President not yet sworn in, Obama would remain America's President. If you don't believe that could happen, then you haven't been paying attention to Obama's Executive Orders during these last 8 years. Yes, whatever their reasoning, the Democratic Party is absolutely trying to rig this election again. May God have mercy on America if they succeed.

  • elizabeth f - 8 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that someone like Donald Trump can make us (as a nation) doubt the validity of our democratic process. I can recall the debacle of Florida's hanging chads, but that hasn't changed my opinion of the democratic process that we all enjoy. I hope that everyone gets out and votes so their voice can be heard.

  • Marcus - 8 years ago

    Actually there have been a lot of articles published about the Wikileaks info. Also, many of the allegations made against Trump both in his business and personal life have not been debunked. The Trump U controversy has not been debunked. The hundreds of contractors and small businesses that claimed Trump stiffed them have not been debunked. A lot of different claims about his finances and business ties cannot be debunked because he for some unknowable reason is refusing to expose his tax returns. And don't use the audit excuse because that actually has been debunked. Being under audit does not prevent you from releasing your tax returns. Nixon himself released his returns while under audit.

  • Kathy Scott - 8 years ago

    Oh please. Some of your comments are ridiculous. If you have done any research on your own, it easy to see the amount of people at Hillary rallies. That's why people have iPhones. They are real people filming so we can know the truth since the media won't report it!

    The contents of the Wikileaks emails contain serious information. This should be reported by the media. I guarantee it if Mr Trump had this exposed on him, the media would talk about it 24/7!

    Look at all the woman that suddenly said Mr Trump groped them lol. Everyone has been debunked. And look at the undercover video out exposing the DNC paying for people to riot at Trump rallies. I'm sorry, but Hillary Clinton's corruption goes farther than anyone imagined.

  • Jerry Roberts - 8 years ago

    The only people complaining that it's rigged are the Losers with t-Rump. Just like when he was reading the poll numbers saying he was 60 points higher than Hillary...LOL, What an Idiot. All he is, is a Trouble Making Gold Spoon using IDIOT, without a CLUE.

  • Barbara Timmons - 8 years ago

    Where were all in 1980? Where was the "liberal, democrat" press about which you all lament? Why do you cry for the 2nd Amendment, while Mr. Trump has said the press will be sorry if he's President. He'll make sure they can be sued SO much easier (which 6would be a direct violation of the 1st Amendment). It makes one wonder about that oath of office he'd have to take.

    Yes, I am one of those bleeding heart left-wing liberals. I went to a an excellent Evangelical Christian Wheaton College (same school Billy Graham attended). I hold a graduate degree, and have a higher IQ than Mr. Trump.

    My vote means no more, and no less than any Trump supporter on this page. That is the beauty of our democracy, and our country. It hurt me that YOU DO NOT SEE JUST HOW GREAT OUR COUNTRY IS. Do we have problems? Yes. Can we do better by one another? No doubt about it.

    If you belive the election is rigged, go vote. Stay, and watch the people who also come and go. Ask your city counsel person, or county representative questions about the process. You can call the Election Commission, but they're really busy trying to make sure everything goes like it's suppose to go, where each vote is counted. Try to open yourself to the possibility that twitter followers don't translate directly into votes. Try to start telling yourself the only poll that matters is the Electoral College. If you remember the 1980 election, you will remember the person who won the popular vote, lost the Presidency.

  • Jack H. - 8 years ago

    I don't want to see Trump's or Clinton's supporters shot. That's what I hate about all the rigged election talk. One of the most essential traditions in US government is the peaceful transition of power. It's what allows democracy to work: it doesn't matter whether or not you like the candidate that was chosen, whoever is elected is the new president and everyone just has to accept that. Even with the hanging chad controversy in Florida, no candidate has ever questioned the legitimacy of an election's results because doing so is very dangerous. Crying foul and throwing around unsubstantiated accusations of voter fraud in an attempt to deny a loss needlessly undermines the democratic system and risks inciting violence.

  • Freddy - 8 years ago

    Honestly, Trump gives the media a lot more to talk about on a daily basis. The Clinton email scandal was bad, but it's not exactly news. We've all heard about it already. The media did report about the Wikileaks info when it came. Frankly, Clinton just doesn't create as many daily scandals as Trump does.

  • Drumpf the rapist-in-chief - 8 years ago

    Looking forward to the inevitable humiliating Trump defeat. I can't wait until his mob of idiots take to the streets and revolt so that I can watch them get incinerated by the national guard on live tv like that child molesting extremist cult in Waco. Getting my popcorn. ready!

  • Luke Marshall - 8 years ago

    I'm very sorry about your mother, but a few assholes pressuring someone to vote for a candidate does not make for a systematically unjust institution.

  • Buck - 8 years ago

    90% of news media should be put on Hillary's campaign payroll. Even your This Week With Bob Mueller, traditionally middle of the road, is now biased toward Hillary. If Trump wins, I bet there will be some reconsideration if you still have any watchers! Trump is the only candidate to say the word "Constitution".

  • Marianne - 8 years ago

    Every news station I have watched is so bias. They rarely show any negative towards Clinton. But everyday there is something negative about Donald Trump. Clinton is so corrupt and continues to lie. Her past is horrendous, why don't you report that in your news cast? Lord knows there is never ending corruption from her to last a life time of reporting. I'm very disappointed in WKRN for it being so bias.

  • Jack H. - 8 years ago

    Also, media bias, though admittedly wrong, is not the same thing as a rigged election. The media is able to lie, but they cannot actually force people to vote for a particular candidate. That is the choice of the voter and the voter alone.

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    My mother was an advanced Alzheimer patient, in a nursing home, 4 years ago. They pressured me to register her in their county and told me they would help her vote. I did change her to Williamson County, but I helped her vote because they had already said it was to help Obama be reelected. They said it was her duty as an American to cast her vote, but they were talking about a woman that was so mentally incapable, she didn't even remember her children's names.

  • Carol - 8 years ago

    Yes the election is rigged! Just like the Obama campaign rigged it in 2008! and 2012! The Obama campaign even sent out the black panthers to intimidate conservatives! It was all over television!! Don't people remember? It is alarming how the media has outrageously campaigned for Clinton. The press is supposed to cover the candidates equally without helping or showing favoritism to either one. We are now experiencing third world tactics in America. The press pounds on TRUMP everyday all day about everything, the press should be focused on Clintons illegal emails and her failure as Secretary of State, this election comes down to socialism and loss of freedom with Clinton vs business and job friendly and reduced taxes with TRUMP! If people are gullible enough to drink the liberal koolaid then we are all going to suffer the consequences! Clinton has already said she wants open borders and single payer healthcare. I moved here from California to get away from socialism and open borders. You should take a look at what has happened there before you cast that valuable vote!

  • Jack H. - 8 years ago

    Just out of curiosity, will all of you who are crying that the election is a cheat still be saying the process is illegitimate if your candidate wins? Or are you just really, really sore losers?

  • Kimberly Kelley - 8 years ago

    While I would prefer a popular vote system, I don't think the system is inherently rigged. Errors could be made, but I doubt enough errors are made to affect the outcome.

  • Brian Ger - 8 years ago

    The media has ignored Wiki dumps regarding Hillary and DNC actions and comments. I have seen and heard the media bias against Trump locally and nationally!

  • Richard - 8 years ago

    Also, how do you know Clinton has less supporters at her rallies? Have you attended many Clinton rallies?

  • Bme - 8 years ago

    All we here from the media is trump did this and trump did that , nothing is said about the clintons and all of there wrong doing which far outweighs what trump is be accused of , they are criminals and the media is on their side , that is obvious!

  • Pat Glasscock - 8 years ago

    Of course it is rigged. I am so sick of the media and certain celebrities making a point to vote for Clinton! I have stopped watching CNN and the media crap who have no idea what Clinton did making sure our troops in Benghazi were killed. Most people don't have Military in the family so what do they care! She stepped out of the lime light right it took place. . Why does she always change the subject over the about her private emails?? I see our troops are in combat now and the Dems. promised they would not be in combat!!! Another freaken LIE!!!

  • Richard - 8 years ago

    1) If you look through the news articles published about Clinton, you will see that there has been plenty written about both the email controversy and the recent Wikileaks disclosure.
    2) The number of Facebook friends a candidate has is not an accurate measure of public opinion, just as online polls such as the one above are not as accurate as those given by polling agencies. They only indicate which candidate's supporters are more energized online. Not to mention, having a Facebook does not mean that you can or will vote. I've had a Facebook since I was 13.

  • Kathy Scott - 8 years ago

  • Kathy Scott - 8 years ago

    As usual, you bash Trump and fail to even mention what is in the emails. Yes you are bias.
    Trump has rallies that have so many more people than Hillary. Trump has more supporters on his fb page. There is no way he is behind in the polls. So if he doesn't win then yes the polls will be rigged. This is my last time to watch this news channel. I was hoping you would talk about what's in the emails today since it is very important. But I can see you're just another backer of the Clintons. TRUMP IS OUR ONLY HOPE.

  • robert foutch - 8 years ago


  • robert foutch - 8 years ago

    No one is smart enough to rig the election completely.If Donnie wins ,does that mean it's rigged?You have to be a governor from Florida to rig election.

  • Sabs - 8 years ago

    First of all, voter fraud and media bias are two very different things. Even if you believe that the media is lying in an attempt to sway voters left, as long as the election results reflect the decisions of the voters, the election is legitimate. People have been lying for as long as they have had language to lie with. That does not make the election a cheat.
    Second of all, to say that all media represents the left wing is inaccurate. There are many right wing media outlets including Fox News and Breitbart which demonstrate a level of bias equal to if not greater than that of outlets such as CNN and the New York Times. It is also worth noting that the so-called left wing media have been criticizing Clinton for years.

  • Lasandra Walter - 8 years ago

    Of course it is rigged, just like the primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders!!

  • Mr Spence - 8 years ago

    CBS and 60 minutes edited an interview with Hillary that would have cost her the election. You can find the deleted interview on the Internet. The media is to blame!

  • Whitni - 8 years ago

    Absolutely it is rigged. The media is dominantly democratic even though it is supposed to be "neutral". Ha. That's a joke. The clintons have the media at their control which Is terrifying. Imagine how she would run this country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

  • Erica Rivero - 8 years ago

    We are going to talk about the false claim of rigged elections when the GOP has denied voter suppression in ID Laws for decades? Okay. Thanks WKRN for helping me make the clear decision of what news program I will no longer be watching.

  • Lynda Campbell - 8 years ago

    The media has hounded Hillary for 25 years, so I don't see how they are pro democrat!
    As for pastors, they have every right to campaign for whoever that want, they just don't have the unfair advantage of doing it from the pulpit where they have a captive audience!

  • Linda ferguso - 8 years ago

    The election is very much rigged. Why can't the media report on the real news. All those people will be sorry in years to come. Why can't everyone tha does wrongt be treated as others .that do wrong.. money sure does talk. Everyone has a chance at upholding the constitution if the media would stay out of the way and do their job.

  • Tony Brewer - 8 years ago

    All media are pro democrat when they are supposed to be neutral

  • Chris Curtis - 8 years ago

    Considering that the media has been totally pro democrat on everything they report on and pastors are prohibited to speak on any poltical issues without having their tax exempt status stripped away I would have to say yes it has been rigged for years!

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