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Best name for new

Total Votes: 358

  • Rick Atwood - 8 years ago

    How about:

    Or just

    (Not all men on here are hung, [or old]. so half of your choices wouldn't comfortably fit.)
    And you really need to designate what is small, medium, large, x-large, and super-large...
    for both cock and balls. Everyone doesn't have the same idea of unit size. Not to mention:
    the proper way to measure a cock is along the top side, from pubis to tip. No other. And circumference
    is about 1/4 to 1/3 mid-shaft, approx. around the cut line -- not at the base.)

  • Michael - 8 years ago

    I think it a great idea and honestly have wished they had it for a while. You can better show off your dick and ball pumping that way, and it makes for more eye candy too????

  • Blue - 8 years ago

    This is a great idea - keep date dick alive and bring more traffic by allowing X content!

  • steven - 8 years ago

    Good idea

  • Bigrod - 8 years ago

    Good idea. And also a good idea. Date a huge big passive Chubb......for a dating site. !!

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