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Do you approve of his stand?

Total Votes: 47

  • Neece - 8 years ago

    He would be a sore loser and that is just silly. Can he for once act like a grown man. A professional? Oh I forgot - it's not in him ...he has zero ounce of Presidential Demeanor and or credentials. Like who does that? SMH

  • Kathy - 8 years ago

    So if Trump contests its horrible but when Gore did in 2000 it was ok because he's a democrat? Such a double standard. The MSM are so biased it is ridiculous!!! Hillary can get away with lying to the FBI and to the American people about Benghazi but when Trump says anything it is under a microscope. Trump is right, it is rigged and not just necessarily by voter fraud, it is by the MSM reporting what they want, their opinions, and they keep harping on Trump stories but fail to mention anything that Hillary has done. The other day on Good Morning America they spoke of Trump's tape from years ago for 37 minutes and almost mentioned Hillary's Wikileaks's emails, only to say that Russia hacked us. Not one mention of what was in those emails!!!! So yes, I agree with Trump!!!!

  • John - 8 years ago

    So, McCain says, "accepting the election results is the American way. It is an act of respect for the will of the American people". Is this guy serious??? The will of the people?? So, if you feel that you've been cheated, you just let the cheaters get away with it??? Really? Is THAT the American way??
    If this election season has shown us ANYTHING, it's: 1. Career politician will say and do anything to get elected. Hillary Clinton is a clear example of this. She can't formulate an honest opinion about anything. 2. The media is so biased and slanted in their stories that they are not to be believed any more. They show clips that sway the story the way they want you to believe and because most people are in too much of a hurry or are just sheep, they buy it. When you look at the complete picture you see this false narrative. 3. The American people are fed up. We are tired of the BS we are being fed on a daily basis and we are finally saying "Enough is enough". Donald Trump might not always say the right things. But, if his only bad trait it that he misspeaks, I'll take that over someone who has shown time and again how truly vile and evil she really is.

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