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Will Sharon Be Destroyed By Sully Reveal?


  • Paulie Silbe - 8 years ago

    Sharon has been one of my favorite characters, however, a few years ago the writers decided to change her character to one that many dislike. Whoever dreamed up her burning the Newman home and even worse, have her marrying Victor was too much. Then viewers seemed to be angry with Sharon for the marriage but Victor had little negative reaction from the viewers.
    She came off as a really good friend of Dru's which
    was a positive view for her plus when she lost her daughter she was still a positive character with Nick betraying her. She was treated badly by both Nick and Adam. I don't recall when the writers decided to make Sharon not only unstable which can certainly happen in real life but now that cruel Anderson woman
    deceived Sharon, she is keeping a secret which will certainly be her undoing. I'd like to see Sharon doing something heroic. With many viewers disliking Sharon (caused by the character the writers have decided to make her, how about something redeeming? Just don't kill her off. I won't watch the program then.

  • Annie Smalls - 8 years ago

    I'm really really sick of Sharon and the lie she told saga.that she would tell nick tha

  • Annie Smalls - 8 years ago

    I'm really really sick of Sharon and the lie she told saga.that she would tell nick tha

  • daniellen27 - 8 years ago

    Sharon WAS a victim of Dr. Anderson but, became an accessory-after-the-fact kidnapping after Sage died. Her sentenced sheould reflect that! However, since Cassie died, she hasn't had the best of luck in her love life, she's a documented manic-depressive patient. Furthermore she broke people's trust. People she loved. Yes, she was in an untenable position but, contrary to some other characters in Y & R's Roster, she never attempted to kill anyone who stood in the way. Let the punishment fit the crime!

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