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What puts you off taking more portraits? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 470
1 Comment

  • Robert Smith - 8 years ago

    Reasons photographers are put of taking portraits stems from fear, generated through and enhanced by the mass communication now rightly or wrongly distributed by the media. Fear in all it's various magnitudes, from mild nervousness and rejection, to fear of adverse reactions, of ridicule and public stigma, fear of youth and the proliferation of misinformation being retained and believed by the general public. None of these emotions are because of any cowardice associated with photographers, mainly just the lack of self belief that maybe we do not have the personalities to overcome adverse situations or the strength of attitude to smile in the face of inappropriate beliefs and reactions. Portraiture is one of the most satisfying aspects of the photographic art, with the human face having infinite variety, expression, beauty, emotion, shapes and colour among the creatures of this world, with the only true ugliness hiding just below the surface of the skulls of the most ignorant. To sum up what puts photographers off taking more portraits is the progressive adverse attitudes now prevalent in society.

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