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Is November 3rd too early to for Christmas music?

Total Votes: 6,109

  • Deirdre woods - 6 years ago

    I like to listen Xmas music now the world is chaotic now and maybe listening to some childhood winter music would do us some good .Nov 1st is ideal.

  • Virginia Conklin - 7 years ago

    I love Christmas music, I love Christmas. It seems like it goes by so fast, so I like the fact that you play Christmas music early, so that I get enough. Thank you. Those who don't like it, don't have to listen to it!????

  • Kenneth Diehl - 7 years ago

    Given the choice between the no talent artists of Hip HOP, Rap, contemporary or the talented performers of traditional Christmas music...I'll take the latter every time. Truth is, I only listen to your station for two months out of the year. Guess which ones? Modern "music" is the absolute worse noise ever created by a bunch of no talent "Recording Artists". We'll at least they don't pretend to have musical talent.

  • Cathy Fobar - 8 years ago

    Please play the Christmas music until the New Year!!

  • Jeffrey Rookard - 8 years ago

    It's not to early. I'd rather listen to this peaceful,joyous music than hear politics all darn day. Thanks for playing it early.

  • Beth - 8 years ago

    It is not too early. The poll that you had going had Nov. 1 winning, but you decided to ignore that. I say start the music now. As one person wrote, she is in hospice. What about those that are in their last days who wanted to hear it played before they passed? It may be morbid but you really need to think of all of your listeners and consider they are in different spots in life and to say yes we have your votes but we are going to do what we want any way isn't good customer relations. Listen to your listeners and get off of your high horse.

  • Carmen - 8 years ago

    When it's something good people start to complaint. With all that is happening in our world. Hearing Christmas music should not be on their list. Christmas is love, happiness, it's hope. It's believing in miracle's. Live and let live!

  • BETH RINKE - 8 years ago

    Christmas music made Christmas. I love it! I'm in Hospice, it will cheer me up to hear the wonderful music that touched our hearts as young children & adults! Christmas is a special time of year, I look forward to the music on 100.3 annually.
    For those who don't like it, shake your soul, be lucky you aren't in Hospice, open your heart & allow the music to place joy in your heart, if you can't, you are heartless. Christmas is about giving, Christs' birth, wishing others good cheer, not being an idiot for a time....but I guess those who hate Christmas music on 100.3, playing Nov. 3rd until 12/26, are selfish, heartless people with no hope, joy, or goodwill for their brothers, sisters in this life.
    I shall leave this life soon, I'll take all my memories with me & hope I make it through this holiday season , to re-live Christmases past, this year & the ultimate Christmas I'll soon enjoy in heaven.
    Stop complaining, be a blessing to others, this world isn't promised, nor your life & how much time you have. The whole reason we are here is at the mercy of a baby born in a stable, not the gifts, drinks, festive decor.
    Search your heart, search your soul, accept this radio station is trying to bring peace, joy, memories, fun, love of the holiday season.
    If you don't like it, turn the station. You think of all those dying that love this music, all those living, no matter what you're going through, just relax, listen & enjoy. We all need a little "PEACE ON EARTH" SO, be humble, patient, kindhearted to your fellow man & rejoice for the life you have......that's what this music & Holiday season is about, it truly is "The most wonderful time of the year!" Peace be with you in your heart, mind & soul! Enjoy your Holiday Season with much love & peace!

  • Angie Lee - 8 years ago

    I love that you play Christmas music in early November, it's peaceful, relaxing and a tradition. Gets me in the mood and motivates me to get an early start on the holiday season since it comes so quickly every year. Don't change a thing, keep up the great work at the station.

  • Cheryl - 8 years ago

    Less than 2 months then it's gone so I say the earlier the better! Bring on the xmas music!!!

  • Andrea - 8 years ago

    Wow! I'm really surprised at some of the comments being so mean..."shoving down your throats," really? That's a little harsh. If you don't like the Christmas music, change the station. No one will miss you. Christmas is a joyous season and listening to the music puts you in the mood even before Thanksgiving. I love it. It makes me feel happy and puts me in the mood for shopping and decorating. I was a little disappointed to find that you didn't start playing it yesterday. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Gretchen Jones - 8 years ago

    I absolutely love 100.3 with the variety of music that is played. People come into our office and always ask what station we're playing because it gets everyone in a good mood. Starting Christmas music on NOVEMBER 3RD?! Seriously? Not everyone loves Christmas. After Thanksgiving is just fine!!

  • Brian - 8 years ago

    Myself and my daughter really look forward to this change over, peaceful thoughts in a political time good work wnic.

  • Heather - 8 years ago

    It is WAY too early to play Christmas music, especially all day, every day. I listen exclusively to WNIC until they start playing Christmas music, and then I have to find something else. That's about 2 months that you lose a loyal listener! If it was a Christmas song here or there, that would be fine, but I refuse to even turn it to the channel at all during that time out of protest. Keep your regular awesome music!

  • Patty - 8 years ago

    Yes it is way too early for Christmas music...not constantly anyway. Keep the regular music and just throw in a Christmas song here and there..I can tolerate that!!

  • Bruce Davidson - 8 years ago

    Monday-Friday I'll switch to WNIC after 3 for Christmas music, it's good to decompress after hearing news & politics the first half of the day.

  • Pat - 8 years ago

    Way too early for Christmas music! Let s at least get through thanksgiving. I just boycott the radio station until mid December .

  • Kathy - 8 years ago

    I'll be sure to take this station off my favorites in my car.... It's ridiculous to start Christmas music this early.

  • Caroll - 8 years ago

    It's way to early they should wait until after thanksgiving!

  • KV - 8 years ago

    WAY tooooo soon for Xmas music. I used to listen to this station but don't anymore so I won't have to hear it. By the time Christmas is here you end up so sick of it.

  • Sarah - 8 years ago

    I'll be listening! Can't wait and neither can my kids. For all those people who have to complain change the station. NO ONE is making you listen!

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    Wow, can't you wait until after Thanksgiving Day?? People will get sick of hearing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman and Here Comes Santa Claus a million times. I for one won't have your station on!

  • Santa - 8 years ago

    Wow I thought the comment section was just your thoughts. I didn't think people would be so mean and say if you don't like it there are other Statuons Relax people it's just an answer to a question. Nothing personal. Merry Christmas.

  • Linda Stockton - 8 years ago

    I happen to enjoy the Christmas music. If you don't like It, don't turn it on.

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Listening to Christmas music for two months is no different than listening to the radio on a daily basis anyway. They play the same songs everyday!! So really there is no difference except the fact that it's holiday music!!

  • Shelley - 8 years ago

    I won't be listening to 100.3 til after Thanksgiving...

  • A doukette - 8 years ago

    I think early November is too early when they stop playing at 6 PM on Christmas. Really? Did you ever hear of the 12 Days of Christmas? It goes until January 5th. Play it until the end of Christmas Day at least!

  • Lisa Cooley - 8 years ago

    November 1 would have been wonderful. Had to get the Christmas cd's out today.

  • Amy - 8 years ago

    To each their own! If you like it, great! Listen away! If you do not like it, that is great too. Just change the station. It shouldn't be too complicated, really.

  • Laura - 8 years ago

    I would listen to Christmas music All year long if I could. I agree with many when they say there are so many radio stations to listen to if u don't want to listen to Christmas music change the station! Please start playing it ASAP! Xo

  • Karen - 8 years ago

    Last time I checked Christmas fell at the end of December. Seems like most of December is already dedicated to Christmas.

    I don't need the music, movies, merchandise shoved in my face as soon as the calendar says November. I love all the holidays and spending time with family. Don't need it shoved down our throats for 2+ months!

    No I will not be listening to the Christmas stations or watching the Christmas movies on tv until Thanksgiving is over.

  • Shimmy72 - 8 years ago

    So....out of the song options given I'd choose "It's the most wonderful time of the year" as my first Christmas song choice!

  • Tammy - 8 years ago

    No one is forcing people to listen to xmas music. There are so many stations on air, it is a choice to listen! I definitely will be one who does listen to get in the Christmas spirit!

  • Cathy - 8 years ago

    The people who do not want to here the music "this early" or a "rushed" feeling, dont really have the christmas spirt, it's such a good feeling to savor that feeling as long as u can or as early as you's not about the "gifts" it's that feeling u get inside u get that the christmas songs remind you of.

  • Karen - 8 years ago

    Some people love listening to Christmas music now. If you think you will be sick of it by xmas then turn the station also if you do not want to watch Elf 100 times then watch something else. No one forces you to listen or watch anything. We all like something different.

  • Eden - 8 years ago

    I was hoping to hear the Christmas music starting today! I was a little disappointed when it didn't, but I like when it starts at the beginning of November. It gets me excited for the holidays - Thanksgiving and New Years, too, not just Christmas!

  • Shimmy72 - 8 years ago

    I was disappointed it didn't start today! I even posted on FB yesterday that I was looking forward to waking up to Christmas music this morning. I also wish it didn't abruptly end the day after should continue through the new year????

  • Christ Bart - 8 years ago

    the day after thanksgiving is the appropriate time to start xmas songs. Starting now by the time xmas is here your tired of hearing the songs and watching elf for the 100th time.

  • Karen Miller - 8 years ago

    It's way to early. We do have another great holiday before Christmas. Why is everyone in such a rush?

  • Muriel Smith - 8 years ago

    Look forward to 100.3 starting Christmas music every year. Thought they would wait till next Monday but happy that they are starting Thursday. Their music puts me in the Christmas mood for creating my Christmas cards that I offer for sale. Love, love it. I listen in my car, computer, and then on their cell phone app after I leave to spend Christmas in California every year. Sorry that they stop after Christmas day. I would like them to continue till New Year's eve.

  • BG - 8 years ago

    Playing Xmas music this early is nothing more than a marketing gimmick to increase sales, and excuse me, but whatever happened to THANKSGIVING??

  • Debra Stockford - 8 years ago

    I did all my Christmas shopping on Saturday October 29th and busted out my Michael Bouble Christmas was fun! got me in the mood!

  • Carol Neuendorf - 8 years ago

    Kohls started today!

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