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  • Alisha Smith - 8 years ago

    I know that Trump will win. I also think the powers that be will never let him see the presidency... Im praying for our country's future so hard right now. It is so uncertain.

  • Cody Tinney - 8 years ago

    I 100% Believe Trump Will Win But I Am Also About 70% Hillary Will Steal It The American People Will Arise And Defeat Tyranny In The End God Never Makes Things Easy But With The Lord At Our Side We Will Destroy The Elites!!!

  • Brandi - 8 years ago

    I can say I took 3 older people that have never votered to early voting on Friday!!!!!! All for trump I believe this election is gonna bring more new voters out!!!

  • Ann Skrceny - 8 years ago

    Trump is God's vessel and despite all odds he will win. I'm not a religious person, but I definitely believe in God and I have no doubt that good will win over evil.

  • Rosie - 8 years ago

    I pray he will win, and all the people I know are voting for him, but our government is so corrupt and the democrats cheat, lie and kill people, I have no doubt they will mess with this election. I pray for Trump. Go vote and wear red. God bless

  • Dawn Evans - 8 years ago

    I believe that Trump can and should win, but the corruption in the Democratic party has me very worried. They will stop at nothing....including fake make sure she wins.

  • Colleen - 8 years ago

    I'm very confident, especially in the last few weeks that Trump can have a legitimate win. That being said, it's coming increasingly clear how deep the roots of Democratic party deception reach. I'm not sure they will allow Trump the victory.

  • Barbara Call - 8 years ago

    I've been following Facebook likes for some time now, Trump has maintained a lead of FOUR MILLION LIKES for at least a MONTH or more, I've been saying all along that I felt that he would win the election, now I feel even more strongly with everything that is coming to light in the media with the help of WikiLeaks and the media is FINALLY saying he's ahead of her in states that he wasnt before, for example Ohio on the news tonight they said he was ahead by 5 points!! Go TRUMP!

  • Erica - 8 years ago

    I am hoping and praying for a landslide!!! There is so much spinning out there that trying to process it all gives me a headache!! I am praying for God to move His hand for Trump/Pence!!

  • Jacqui - 8 years ago

    Voter fraud has me concerned. I am afraid she will succeed in casting enough fake ballots there by handing her the election.

  • Dave Hofer - 8 years ago

    TRUMP crowds versus Hillary tells me Trump is going to win by a landslide.

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