How Do You Plan To Vote On Amendment3/Proposition A

1 Comment

  • Doug Lenny - 8 years ago

    How could anyone vote against a tax on cigarettes where the tax goes to early childhood education, health care and smoking cessation programs? Well, I will vote no because hidden in the wordy amendment is some disturbing provisions added by our religious right legislature. Also, the panel that decides how the money is spent is very suspicious. The fund will be administered by a board of unelected people because they have special experience in early childhood education. A “person of faith” is required on the board because of their position as a community anchor.

    This amendment would put the term “abortion” into our state constitution, where it has never been before. There is also language banning the funds from being used for stem cell and cloning research.

    Amendment 3 will change a provision of the Missouri Constitution that has been there since 1875 which keeps public funds from going to private or parochial school. This is the reason I will vote no.

    Both sides of the issue are discussed here

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