Episode Battle Part 1: What Was Your Favorite Pony Episode?


  • Kibate - 8 years ago

    Hah, my top three choices were also the ones that are in the top three results.
    I eventually voted for Gauntlet of fire, of even though it's equal to The Saddle Row Review for my taste, but i choose Gauntlet of Fire because this show needs more Lore exploring episodes.
    Normally my top choice however would have been A Hearths Warming Tail, but i think it's a bit unfair to choose that one because that episode not only is a musical but is also a retelling of A christmas Carol, which is always awesome.

  • melana - 8 years ago

    "Stranger than Fan Fiction" was the episode that had me laughing the most! And the credits scene was just the icing on the cake.

  • Bill Erak - 8 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Saddle Row is going to win this season's BATTLE.

  • *sighs* - 8 years ago

    @HalflingPony: They ALWAYS hate Applejack episodes, so I mean in general. And that's hypocritical, when the others are portrayed in a bad light they are always much more voted than Applejack episodes.

  • LiboR - 8 years ago

    I don't get the Hearth's Warming Tale one - story used cca 1764 times already in all kinds of films, series, etc.
    This time it had no originality, no plot twist, a little bit of humour here and there and a lot of songs (I didn't really fall in love with any of those)
    Also, this look to the past / present / future was already used in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and IMO was done much better there.

    Between my favourite episodes belong: "Gauntlet of Fire" where we get to more of our pony world & "The Saddle Row Review" for being the most funny episode in the show
    I voted for "Stranger Than Fanfiction," though - the athmosphere of the place, the comedy, the plot, it wasn't rushed toward the end like some episode... and those credits! - all was done great there.

  • Zebugamer45 - 8 years ago

    Really a hard one between Newbie Dash and Saddle Row for me here... I think I'll take Saddle Row, it's the one that makes me laugh the most :) .

  • HalflingPony - 8 years ago

    @sighs Yes, people not voting an episode that portrays Applejack in a somewhat negative light as their favorite episode _clearly_ demonstrates a hatred for the character. :eyeroll:

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    I'm still surprised at how much people like A Hearth's Warming Tail. A Dickens' London is so un-Equestria.

    I chose Stranger Than Fan Fiction. It did a much more believable job at showing a character having his/her preconceptions dispelled than Feeling Pinkie Keen, and the fanon vs canon nitpicking was funny.

  • *sighs* - 8 years ago

    And people keep hating Applejack and her episodes. This just isn't fair.

  • don - 8 years ago

    Gauntlet of Fire. Where Rarity got covered in bat poop and said "Spike can you trust her? You don't know who she is".

    Spike learns Raritys sneeze sounded like a fert...

    "basket holder, I thought I was your body guard?"

    Best line? "Dragons don't do friends"----"Well this dragon does!"

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    Ah yes, Saddle Row Review. The one that proved beyond any doubt that Spike has no fcking reason to exist.

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