Do you like the Michigan State Flag?


  • Tried of Waste - 8 years ago

    This is a waste of money! they already spent too much to write this up. Honestly don't they have bigger issues to deal with!?

  • Elle - 8 years ago

    I see the complaints about the waste of time & money, but really, why not? It's a contest with residents using their time to come up with ideas, and sometimes a new idea and design will make people notice and feel a little more pride. Sometimes fun and moral boosting and community building is worth splurging on..

  • Sue Foshag - 8 years ago

    Why? Killing time before your Christmas break? Surely there are pressing issues you could be handling.

  • LL - 8 years ago

    Another waste of money. Don't you have anything better to propose, such as something that will actually make people's lives better?

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