A New Mexico Holiday Debate: What do you call them?


  • Stephen - 8 years ago

    How about we call them FAROLINARIAS?

  • Lorett Peterson - 8 years ago

    While stationed at Fort Hood in Texas in the late 80s our family and two other families in the housing area were from New Mexico. We set up Luminarias and everybody asked if we were too poor to afford real Christmas decorations. LOL they loved what they represented once we explained it.

  • Felix Saavedra - 8 years ago

    As a child I was an alter boy, in my church. We were taught that our Spanish ancestors, who were here about 300 years ago, made these luminaries to light the path along the Rio Grande, to keep from falling in. Later used to light up most, and any pathway. This is what we were taught. I am in my very late 60,s

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