Episode Battle Part 2: What Was Your Favorite Season 6 Pony Episode?


  • Tani - 8 years ago

    In the Scissors and Swash discussion I definitely agree with Scissors, what he/she said is exactly why MLP:FiM has as much unused potential as it does. And limiting two parter focus on few characters makes it boring after a while, the fact they focused on Starlight lately is really unfair with her being too new to get such focus when Twi's friends still haven't gotten that.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    Well, we're just gonna agree to disagree.

  • Ru - 8 years ago

    And Applejack is still unfairly hated... Why do I even watch the show?

  • Scissors - 8 years ago

    Heroes are not defined by power levels. This show isn't Dragon Ball Z, the power levels don't matter. Starlight Glimmer in The Cutie Map was less powerful than Tirek but was still a threat. The Chrysalling was a snowstorm that needed Knowledge, not power levels to save the day. Just look at Keep Calm and Flutter On. Flutteshy beats and reforms Discord, no super powers, no energy beams (save the one to release him), just her and her personality and her struggle and she won. So now tell me why the two part stories can not focus on one of the Remane 5? Because they're not strong enough? Fuck that would make it all the more compelling and interesting to see the Remane 5 in action.
    And you know the thing about Captain Planet? It focused on the human characters and then had Captain Planet just show up to save the day, not be the sole focus.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    The mane six (or more specifically, the "remane five") aren't soldiers or superheroes. They're just regular civilians. They shine, not when they stand before powerful supervillains, but when they have things to learn, friends to make, relationships to repair, or adventurous outings to embark upon. They aren't the ones who save the world. Twilight, the alicorn, serves that role because the Element of Magic represents leadership. Like it or not, the remane five really are magical friendship batteries to a higher power. Outside that, the only heroics they're capable of are those of average everyday people.

    Twilight is Captain Planet, and the rest are Planeteers.

  • Raffaele Lanza - 8 years ago

    I'd want to make notice how intense the fight is between Top Bolt, Every Little Thing She does and The Times They are a Changeling. XD

    (as they are all in my top 5 of the season and I hate the finale, I think that one of them should deserve the first place....)

  • Anon - 8 years ago

    I think there should be more analysis on poll results once the week is over. A bunch of drawing simple conclusions from them, like why a certain episode did better than others, or why a bunch of episodes are so close together in terms of the fandom's sense of quality, should be enough to satisfy a guy like me.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 8 years ago

    Top Bolt because out of all the episodes it felt most like an episode from an earlier season. The writing was great, the secondary characters got just as much attention as the main characters, the moral was a good one and we got to see Twilight get to do something plus her interactions with Rainbow have always been some of the best the series has to offer.

  • Anon - 8 years ago

    Woah, I really didn't expected "Dungeons and Discrods" so high, in my opinion that the oisode was boring.

  • Iso - 8 years ago

    The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. 'cause Gabby.

  • Kibate - 8 years ago

    I voted for "Every little thing she does". Normally it would be the finale, but i think it's unfair for a finale/premiere to compare with a regular episode.
    But i am surprised to see it so high(currently #3), because when i watched reactions they were almost all negative or "so average it's okay"

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    Let's be real, you guys KNEW the season Finale would win this battle. XD

  • Scissors - 8 years ago

    Oh I have my issue with the Royal Sisters getting sacked as well, trust me. But on to the real point. So could you tell me when the MANE 6 have saved the day and NOT just Twilight with the other 5 being power batteries? Cause there hasn't been one. All of the two-parters are Twilight centered with the other 5 as sidekicks at best. The last three haven't featured them at all and Starlight has been the star of the last four. So please tell me how it's monotonous to have the Remane 5 do something they've never done?

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    That is a most ridiculous reason for hating the finale. The mane six are just regular ponies, not a group of overpowered superheroes who could never be taken unawares except for world-shaking events. And frankly, I'm really sick and tired of seeing those six specific ponies save the day all the goddamn time. It's monotonous. Someone else needs to step up once in a while, and this time it was Starlight's turn; she needs to move forward with her evolution.

    Whatever the case with you, it's the sacking of the Royal Sisters that I take issue with.

  • Raffaele Lanza - 8 years ago

    You know, it's kind of hironic that To Where and Back again is the most voted, while The Cart Before the Ponies is the least voted since they both shares the same fatal flaw that made them the only two episodes in S6 I hated: ignoring the past developments of the Mane 6 to make the story working.

  • Scissors - 8 years ago

    Ugh. Fuck the finale. Seriously. Yeah an episode where the Mane 6 are utterly worthless and treated like garbage, great episode [/sarcasm]
    No I'll be going with Dungeons and Discord, you know an episode that focuses on secondary characters that does NOT need to reduce the Mane 6 or push them into the trash and doesn't need a crappy Deus Ex Machina to end the story.

  • e-a-d - 8 years ago

    It really sucks being an Applejack fan, this all just makes me feel like I should just give up on the show.

  • Icy Shield - 8 years ago

    2% votes for "where the apple lies"?! Come on, that was one of the or the most best AJ episodes in this show! I could easily put it on the top best episodes of this season. People just not gratefull and unappreciate Applejack's episodes even when they are very good

  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    I wasn't able to choose in the last week because I don't know which is my favorite episode between two.
    This one however my favorite episode (just one episode) would be "Every Little Thing She DOes"
    but because "To Where and Back Again" is not separated into two parts, I have to pick that.

  • Zebugamer45 - 8 years ago

    Once again, too many awesome episodes! So hard to choose D: . In the end I chose the finale though... so great!

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