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What should John McCain's next zany stunt be?

Total Votes: 1,803

  • NotYou - 16 years ago

    I think John McCain should get Sarah Palin pregnant. And maybe Condi too. HAHAHA!

  • Millie - 16 years ago

    Too bad you didn't have a choice regarding McCain naming Foreclosure Phil Gramm, his economic adviser, to head the financial bailout since Phil's the one responsible for deregulating the banks and energy industries. Those of us screwed by Enron salute you, as do the rest of us with falling assets.

  • r€nato - 16 years ago

    If McCain really wanted to do something zany and unpredictable, he could try telling the truth for once. Nobody would see that one coming.

  • r€nato - 16 years ago

    I think McCain's next zany stunt should be to threaten to open up a can of whoop-ass on Iran if they don't get off his damn lawn

  • Mr Moose - 16 years ago

    I hate you all.

  • Bristlol Plain - 16 years ago

    This poll sucks and so do liberals lololol

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