Best of CBB, 2016

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  • Super Karate Monkey Death Ray - 8 years ago

    JANICD CRAMPS!!! I listened to "Scroungin' and Loungin'" so many times this year...also Tig Notato was great plugging "Juan Mississippi"

  • williebillywood - 8 years ago

    Favorite character: Neil Campbell's "Larry the Loner" on ep 441

  • Nikki - 8 years ago

    Agree on Jessica McKenna! MVP.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    Jessica McKenna and Jeremy Rowley MVPs of 2016!

  • Olivia - 8 years ago

    And of course the Oh, Hello boys as always. I wish I could have voted for about 10 more

  • Olivia - 8 years ago

    It's Great (An Improv Team) for the menu alone. Pulling hard for the 7th Anniversary Show, Hollywood Handbook Comedy, and Almost Mandatory as well

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    Travel Agent-Si! took just the funniest turn at the end. Too bad it happened so early in the year.

  • James - 8 years ago


  • Denise - 8 years ago


    Also, everything Horatio.

  • Colfax McLiverneck - 8 years ago

    The Apple Tree Song. That is all.

  • Rob - 8 years ago

    @SenorScience - The Pie Minister probably made me laugh harder than any other CBB episode ever. It was on the poll last year, but a very early one (maybe the 1st) and sadly got overlooked :'(

  • Pajada - 8 years ago

    403 - This Ain't Now This is Then. Might not be the best episode of the year but it was the first CBB I ever listened to and it made a lifelong fan out of me. I remember sitting in my office and having to step out because I was about to laugh like a school boy. Can't get me enough of the Scotts.

  • SenorScience - 8 years ago

    I see because it fell in the limbo between voting periods no one will ever be able to celebrate the brilliance that is Pie Quiz with The Pie Minister.

    I weep.

  • Michelle - 8 years ago

    Only took me 4 days to narrow down my choices. What a great year!

  • Jacob Hermant - 8 years ago

    This is my first year of CBB and I LOVED the Mantzoukas/Middleditch episode. Edmund Carlyle, the meek British lawyer who has lavish sex parties, had me in tears for his entire segment, can't recommend it more!

  • DubipR - 8 years ago

    By far the best single moment was the "Apple Tree Song" by Tiny, Victor and Willie... I literally stopped breathing as I was dying from laughter.

    But my favorite episode has to be 446-Scrounging & Lounging. Mary Holland's Janice Cramps intro... greatest show stopper of all time "Hello, I'm pregnant". PFT couldn't stop laughing for a good 3 to 5 minutes after that..Also Tatiana & Christian were flawless....

  • Cristopher - 8 years ago

    As a whole "Ep. 441: Your Cousin Marvin" is just an okay episode. However, Neil Campbell absolutely kills it for his 15 minutes as Larry the Loner near the end! Tied for my favorite segment of the year! He makes Scott and Jason lose it when he talks about Desmond and watch repair! I wish it were titlled "Larry The Loner" because I think it would get more votes.

  • Cat G - 8 years ago

    Unblock and Unlock is the best!!! Mhmmmm...

  • Nicola - 8 years ago

    Special shout out to Larry the Loner, Beth on her Power Wheels and Ming.

  • Evan - 8 years ago

    i made a farty

  • Josh Ellis - 8 years ago

    Another great year for the cbb podcast! Love it!

  • Rob - 8 years ago

    So many great 'sodes this year it's hard, but just want to rep "Rich Mind Vein" with Sean Clements, Nick Nolte and the mole girl who only Nolte knows is a mole girl.

  • Poet Laureate of the West - 8 years ago

    442 - "There's other things a cowboy can also fuck" You can hear Scott and Jeremy'a stifled laughter off mic throughout that poem.

  • Eric Jacobsen - 8 years ago


  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    The 3-Year Diet gave me more laugh out loud (lol) moments than any other episode. Ron Petty and "Dr." Peter Fash. If you missed out on Plugs, make sure you enter coupon code: 44967342456744432946497649463249421246Steven3244493246987ForZappoz

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    Horatio had by far the best year for character guest ! "Peanusts awareness !" Hahah

  • Kevin moran - 8 years ago

    Apple Tree y'all

  • Kyle - 8 years ago

    451! Classic Jarles interrupting the Disney World story with Victor and tiny and willy. And Paul F.'s explanation of why he was there was hilarious.

  • Steve - 8 years ago

    425 - Sunday afternoon taped was incredible. Nick Kroll put in mas effort, and Claudia/Andy/Scott had great chemistry. So many good eps this year.

  • UrbanSuburbia - 8 years ago

    Toss up between Bone Queef (430) and Nick Kroll's many masks (425)...and roughly all of the others.

  • Moss Man - 8 years ago

    I admit I am in fact a swamp thing

  • Turd Dunkweed - 8 years ago

    Silicone Bralley Poo Crew ya'll!

  • Fwuffykins - 8 years ago

    As soon as I finished the leap year episode in February, I thought of this poll and how hard I would vote for that episode. Vote 404!

  • Floyd - 8 years ago

    Ming! Please, give us Ming!

  • Sebastian - 8 years ago

    Oh Hello

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    It's a shame tour shows aren't included. Sydney was the best one CBB's ever done.

  • Claire - 8 years ago

    Really enjoyed Bone Queef, probably my favorite new charac of the year

  • Bryan A - 8 years ago

    Larry the Loner was my favorite new character but I really loved what Jess McKenna and Claudia O'Doherty did this year. I hope Claudia wins many more contests in 2017.

  • Joshua - 8 years ago

    Ming was this year's champion.

  • Steve - 8 years ago

    Sillycone Bralley Poo Crew for sure. Middleditch somehow did 3 characters at once (china calling, turd dunkweed, thomas poo hunter).

  • joey - 8 years ago

    would help if these would link into the audio, so i could refresh myself with what happened on which episode.

  • Weenielobster - 8 years ago

    Manbrats and Ron Petty were the best for me.

  • Drew - 8 years ago

    My favorite new character this year has got to be Ming (Jeremy Rowley).

    -Episode 433: Government Pizza
    -Episode 442: Atlantis Dire Warning

  • Zach - 8 years ago


  • Rebecca Schneider - 8 years ago

    I am only voting for Hollywood Handbook

  • Al A. Peterson - 8 years ago

    I really hope "Paul Reiser and the Apple Tree" gets some love - my biggest laugh-out-loud moment of the year.

  • Troy - 8 years ago

    This is your boy, Troy

  • Mini - 8 years ago

    Vote 403 please. Te-Bow LeBow undisputed king of eurotrash was my highlight of the year. Still crying over his premature demise.

  • steve - 8 years ago

    remember the guy last year who hated michael abelson

  • Manny - 8 years ago

    Scott and Lauren were great together in "Wisconsin Sugar Babies", I loved their banter in the first segment. "Scrounging and Lounging" is an all-time great episode. And yeah, Jessica McKenna was fantastic on CBB this year, I hope she makes more appearances in 2017.

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    Horatio = vote

  • Jake - 8 years ago

    Lets get Gino a top spot this year!

  • Joshua - 8 years ago

    Please Vote Eps 456, 452, 451, 449, 448, 398.

    *paid for by The Committee of Great Bang Bang Moments

  • Pure Guava - 8 years ago

    Hard to choose, there's so many C+ episodes this year

  • Cathy - 8 years ago

    Paul F always my favorite but Drew Tarver and John Gemberling killing it this year!

  • Drew - 8 years ago

    2 best moments were Tim Baltz's "I'm a Sugar Daddy...I like to pamper ladies." and Lapkus's reaction from Episode 394 and Mary Holland's immediate "I'm Pregnant." from Episode 446

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Kid Detectives

  • Martel - 8 years ago


  • Sam - 8 years ago

    Jessica McKenna CBB MVP!

  • Mike C. - 8 years ago

    Pulling for a Marvin. Marvin Phelps? upset.

  • Roger - 8 years ago

    Loved the episodes this year! I particularly enjoyed Jessica McKenna, I'd say she was the CBB MVP of 2016.

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