How long should Slaven continue as West Ham manager?


  • Julian Brady - 8 years ago

    Definitely should have 'not sack him at all' option. I don't see how fans booing their own players helps at a time like this and groaning excessively when perfectly reasonable attempts to play the ball fail. On Saturday for example, Fletcher even won a header and directed it precisely to one of our midfielder's feet, up went a massive groan!? Nothing wrong with that, but dummies were spat out halfway across East London. More positivity and encouragement wouldn't go a miss, alot more and of course, unity. I travel from near Lands End in Cornwall 350 miles 700 round trip every home league game. You don't catch me leaving until the final whistle, the bitter end! COYI

  • Alexander Smith - 8 years ago

    Balanced survey this guys. No option for not sack him at all which as a fan of 35 years standing would have been my vote. Good manager and decent man ruined by the boundless greed of our chairmen. They spent peanuts in the summer and it shows.

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