I've been trucking off and on since 1963 and things have progressively gotten worse. You need to hire people that have had hands on and understands trucking rather than someone that sits at a desk and dreams up a bunch of BS and doesn't have a clue.
Travis Kitzan - 7 years ago
Drop the ELDs period. If the company wants to use that's fine if they don't that's great. Let it be up to the company or the owner operator to make that decision
thomas avritt - 8 years ago
How about starting from the very beginning and pay us the miles we actually haul the freight? what a concept... we get ripped off from day one before we even accept the load. Now that would be some reform
kelly smith - 8 years ago
back off all the carb regulating
12 small truck companies here have already gone out of business
we will be next if they dont back off the carb regs
Dan Tucker - 8 years ago
This poll would have been much better as a 'ranked poll.' Most of these items are 'top shelf' items, and none can be ignored.
I'd suggest a sincere look at the simplicity/complexity of each and prioritize them according to what can be done, if it can be done, and how easy it would be to do. If the most difficult item is placed on top and gets most of the attention - 'acing out' a few of the others might be delayed. Pick the ripest fruits, the low-hanging targets first and/but initiate 'stop-loss' on the rest.
In the corporate and emergency-response world it's called triage. Look all of them over; determine if you can or cannot do anything about it right now; if they'd take all of your resources to solve leave them for later; if you determine you can put a bandaid on and get them walking away - bandaid it and move on to the next; if it's going to take more than a bandaid but less than most of your resources - put it 'next' in line - and move on.
Woodrow Bolling - 8 years ago
Control...in that depts of the DOT are not sync'd. We are in a safety audit. Yesterday an SA w/FMCSA called to say he would be here Monday, to start his audit. Although I told him we were passing, and the crashes he sees on their website are already coming off, when their site updates, & I advised him I was scheduled for angioplasty, he is coming. Oh, and he said he is coming to help me! Ha! Where do they recruits these pricks...OCD-Pricksburg?
I've been trucking off and on since 1963 and things have progressively gotten worse. You need to hire people that have had hands on and understands trucking rather than someone that sits at a desk and dreams up a bunch of BS and doesn't have a clue.
Drop the ELDs period. If the company wants to use that's fine if they don't that's great. Let it be up to the company or the owner operator to make that decision
How about starting from the very beginning and pay us the miles we actually haul the freight? what a concept... we get ripped off from day one before we even accept the load. Now that would be some reform
back off all the carb regulating
12 small truck companies here have already gone out of business
we will be next if they dont back off the carb regs
This poll would have been much better as a 'ranked poll.' Most of these items are 'top shelf' items, and none can be ignored.
I'd suggest a sincere look at the simplicity/complexity of each and prioritize them according to what can be done, if it can be done, and how easy it would be to do. If the most difficult item is placed on top and gets most of the attention - 'acing out' a few of the others might be delayed. Pick the ripest fruits, the low-hanging targets first and/but initiate 'stop-loss' on the rest.
In the corporate and emergency-response world it's called triage. Look all of them over; determine if you can or cannot do anything about it right now; if they'd take all of your resources to solve leave them for later; if you determine you can put a bandaid on and get them walking away - bandaid it and move on to the next; if it's going to take more than a bandaid but less than most of your resources - put it 'next' in line - and move on.
Control...in that depts of the DOT are not sync'd. We are in a safety audit. Yesterday an SA w/FMCSA called to say he would be here Monday, to start his audit. Although I told him we were passing, and the crashes he sees on their website are already coming off, when their site updates, & I advised him I was scheduled for angioplasty, he is coming. Oh, and he said he is coming to help me! Ha! Where do they recruits these pricks...OCD-Pricksburg?