What Season of Friendship is Magic is Best?


  • AD03 - 8 years ago

    My Ranking:

    Season 5: Has some of the best episodes of the show such as "Amending Fences", "The Mane Attraction", "The Cutie Re-Mark"
    Season 4: Has a really interesting storyline, and has some great character development from Twilight.
    Season 6: While there are a few episodes this season I have mixed feelings about; the episodes I really like hold up with the best of the show.
    Season 2: There are a lot of episodes I like, but there are a few I have mixed feelings for. The episodes I like are the best of the show.
    Season 3: Unlike some people, I actually really like this season. Some of the episodes are really great, it's just a few episodes don't stand out.
    Season 1: A good season, but it takes a while to get started. We're still trying to get to know the characters and it doesn't know what it wants to do until half way through.

  • Auditormadness9 - 8 years ago

    Season 4 was the best...

    Here is my ranking...

    1. Season 4
    2. Season 3
    3. Season 5
    4. Season 2
    5. Season 1
    6. Season 6

  • Chev - 8 years ago

    Eh, I'd say seasons 1 or 2, Pony was more charming then. Season 5 it lost its innocence and wonder, season 6 was even worse, stopped watching it altogether with Glimmer in the show, so forced.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 8 years ago

    Seasons 1-3 plus Amending Fences because I love Moondancer even tho it messes with episode 1 season 1's timeline a bit. I think 4, 5, and 6 have their moments but for the most part those three seasons are perfect. The show could have ended when they originally thought it was going to end and it would have been fine. That said I -like- the rest of the seasons they're just not quite as memorable as those first three.

  • Matthew Townsend-Farr - 8 years ago

    I like the series as a whole, and I don't have a favorite season. Some may be good, and others bad, but I think the series is still well balanced.

  • Saber - 8 years ago

    When I see season 1 so down below, I can't help but think it's not because it was bad, but because a lot of the fans that love it left already.

    It'll continue to happen as well with other seasons and other shows as well. Take Swat Kats for example. Make a poll about it in a place with new kids, they don't know what you're talking about. Ask an adult who's watched it, and you get a beautiful reply with a lot of cohesion to their points and praise, including how it inspired them to make better cartoons.

  • SunMoon - 8 years ago

    Bob Tom, I totally agree with you.
    I also think that the best seasons are 1, 2, 3.
    After the 4th season the show changed a lot. And not for the better. Expressions, feelings, the songs, the scripts, the plots - all it was much better. The songs says a lot. "Winter Wrap Up", "So Many Wonders", "Smile Song", "the Cutie Mark Crusaders Song", "Babs Seed", "Raise This Barn", "Morning in Ponyville", "Love Is In Bloom", ... Beautiful songs.
    And what now?
    In season 6 I can't remember a single song. Sadly. And all still admire the last seasons. I don't understand this.

  • Jonas - 8 years ago

    @Myst Lunarbane

    I would disagree. While "Princess Twilight Sparkle" definitely wasn't the strongest season opener it did address the problems fans had with Tiwlicorn and Discord's reformation. As for "Testing Testing 1 2 3", while it was kinda underwhelming it had some interesting world building. It dove into the history of the Royal Guard and confirmed that the Wonderbolts are military. When it comes to "Fill Vanili" I don't know which reviewer said that but Silver Quill a reviewer that is on every Top 10 reviewer list I can and one of the few that has over 100k subs praised the episode. And it didn't ignore Fluttershy's development but added to it as the episode said baby steps. And this perfect since Fluttershy's shyness like AJ's stubbornness and Twilights freak outs is something that cannot be overcome in just a few episodes but over a long time of hard work. We can't get ride of our greatest flaws overnight. And how did "Pinkie Pride" ignore "Party of One"? However this is all just my opinion.

    Got to however agree with you on "Twilights Kingdome", that was probably coolest season finale by about 20%.

  • Jagex Monto - 8 years ago

    I agree with you really, the show has been consistently good for the past 6 years and for a cartoon show to do that, is mighty impressive. Its hard to select a season to favourite, as I love the show as a whole. Imo, no episode of this show is garbage, just that some episodes are way better than others. However, Im leaning towards either season 2 or 4 because these seasons have episodes that are personal favourites of mine.

  • Myst Lunarbane - 8 years ago

    Imo those episodes suck.
    Admittedly "Bats!" is somewhat interesting but also just really weird and confusing and I keep wondering why they even decided to make it an episode.
    "Princess Twilight Sparkle" I think is probably one of the weakest season openings, although the episode does develop Discord's character a bit, I still think the rest of it falls flat, I guess the Tree of Harmony is kinda interesting too, but I really don't see the point of adding it and the fact that they haven't even mentioned it in any episodes since kinda proves how pointless it is.
    "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3" would probably be better if it was in any other season, but because its in season 4 it just feels like another underwhelming episode.
    "Filli Vanilli" as a reviewer (I can't remember which one) said Filli Vanilli really just ignores a lot of progress that Fluttershy made in previous episodes and then just kinda ignores the progress she made in that episode at the end as well, it had a nice concept, it just wasn't implemented as well as it could//should of been.
    "Pinkie Pride" Is mostly a good episode, but like Filli Vanilli it revisits things already gone over in previous episodes (Party of One) and kinda just ignores them.
    Twilight's Kingdom is definitely one of the best episodes in the entire show, especially with how good it was in plot, style and execution compared to every other episode in season 4.

  • Bob Tom - 8 years ago

    Season 1 was the best season there was...why? It's because the show was actually good compared to seasons 4,5, and 6. In my opinion, seasons 1, 2, and 3 were the better seasons, like a reverse star wars thing. Now why I think the first season was the best is for several reasons.

    1 is because it is the one that started it all. 2, there is some nostalgia, considering this show is going to be 7 years old next year. 3, Lauren Faust. 4, if you compare season 1 to the newest seasons, like 4,5, and 6, there is a significant difference you'll see between the two, and I'm not talking about the animation budget either. I'm talking about how the show is structured, how the plot is made, the character developments, and how much change that Hasbro tries to push in just to sell toys. Looking at season 6, all I see is a cartoon only there to sell toys. With season 1, all I see is a show that is trying to sell toys, but with quality in mind.

    If anything Seasons 1,2 and 3 showed what the show was and what it was all about, a mythical story book like land with cute ponies and scary monsters lurking in the darkness. With seasons 4,5 and 6, all you get is character change, add new characters, character changes, add new characters, gosh dammit...all it is just to sell fucking toys!!!... Not only to mention I felt like the writing was actually good, but in the newer seasons all it is trying to do is go with every other cartoon is trying to do, trying to tell one large plot. Seasons 1,2 and 3 didn't really do that much. Sure there was some continuity, but it was balanced between one offs and felt good, but with the newer seasons all I see is one big plot that tries to move along while if there is a one off, it's utter shit.

    Another thing is the songs, the songs were amazing and memorable is the first three seasons, but the newer seasons and their songs are like forgettable, trashy, dumb pop songs...at least most that is. There a few exceptions like the recent Christmas episode, but most were shit. Not only to mention I feel like season 4 was a reboot to the entire series as it seems that anything before season 4 didn't exist...well for the most part. I miss the days when I would go to the store and spot something MLP related, and Twilight is on there without the wings...but now all I see is the wings...and that's anyone seems to think about when it comes to Twilight.

    I mean I know Hasbro needs to push for it, but can't we just see the fucking wingless Twilight one more time gosh damn it! I'm tired of seeing her having fucking wings....I mean I know she is a princess, but the writing is terrible I don't see her as a princess..all I see her as is a fucking unicorn..why? Because she barely does anything princess related stuff...I mean there's a castle, but in the end she just goes about doing shit that she would do without her wings! If she really was a princess, she would be busy like, "like oh fuck! I really want to join my friends at pinkie pie's party! But I have so much work to do! There's fucking papers every where on my fucking desk! The griffons wants to declare war! The economy is down the shitter! and AIDS are spreading throughout Equestria! It's a fucking epidemic! No Spike! Shut the fuck up or else I'm going to fucking shove your tail up your tiny asshole you fucking baby!"

    Another thing, the background music. The background music in the first three seasons were magical, charming, something out of a storybook *Hint...hint HINT!!!*** But the newer seasons are fucking shit. Granted, are the newer seasons the worst thing I've ever seen? No...that award would go to the first Equestria Girls movie of course....but as I was saying, it's not the worst thing ever, but it's still shit when you look at it. Now I've been a Brony since 2012 and while I am aware some of its nostalgia talking, I still stand with my opinion that Season 1 is the best and will always be the best.

  • Hat - 8 years ago

    I am going to favourite the series as a whole. The show creators have kept a consistent quality which is impressive. Sometimes the feel of the show has changed. For example, when Lesson Zero aired people were pretty surprised with the amount of zaniness. But each feel is independently likeable in my opinion. There are many episodes for all tastes of pony: reflective, adventurous, funny, etc. Which season is objectively the best, I don't know, but the question might not be the right one.

  • tekydr - 8 years ago

    @Myst Lunarbane, Swash

    Not sure I understand the hate for season 4. It had a good amount of mediocre episodes–true–but it also had some exceptional episodes IMO (something I can't really say for season 6): "Princess Twilight Sparkle," "Bats!," "Three's A Crowd," "Pinkie Pride," "Filli Vanilli," "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3," "Twilight's Kingdom." Notice either Meghan McCarthy or Amy Keating Rogers wrote all but one of those. Their passion for their work really shines. (I really hope Meghan gets to write some episodes for season 7!)

  • Myst Lunarbane - 8 years ago

    Season 2 100%
    It started with Discord and ended with Chrysalis and all the episodes in between built on things established in the first season and helped build the world of Equestria, plus the Flim and Flam episode was in Season 2 as well.

    6, 5 and 3 would be next, although I couldn't really think of what order, they all have some great episodes but a few bad ones.

    Season 1 would be next.

    And Season 4 is last, it really just sucks tbh, the only episode I like in season 4 is the ending episodes with Tirek which was amazingly well done. But all the other episodes in that season must just fell flat due to revisiting old plot lines and issues the characters had already dealt with, or just making episodes that didn't have a good concept to them or much substance (Castle Mane-ia) or just flat out aren't entertaining (Pinkie Apple Pie and It Ain't Easy Being Breezies).

    I really don't get how Season 4 is second place when its episodes were so bad compared to the other seasons.

  • pone - 8 years ago

    @Swash then you've probably got alzheimer, because S1 and S2 are the only real deal.

  • tekydr - 8 years ago

    4 > 1 ~ 2 > 5 >>> 3 ~ 6

    Eh, it's kinda wishy-washy. Seasons 1 and 2 are still the most consistently good IMO, which makes sense because Lauren was around then. But seasons 4 and 5 had the best exceptional single episodes.

  • Marile - 8 years ago

    Every season had its ups and downs, but i geneally enjoyed all of them. That being said I gave my vote to S4 becuase it was the most coherent and the most arc based. S5 and S2 had more of my absolute favorite episodes, though.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    Speak for yourself. I've been around since Season 1.

  • pone - 8 years ago

    Only noobs vote for seasons later than S2

  • Ru - 8 years ago


  • Borja_Live - 8 years ago

    Un my opinion.

  • Baree - 8 years ago

    Always and forever Season One. Best Slice of Life so far by far still. Look Before You sleep will always be my favourite episode. Sonic Rainboom was awesome, I loved Gilda and Little Strongheart (we need another ep with her!) and I still get chills when I see Fluttershy engaging in a staring contest with a cockatrice. No, really. A staring contest with a cockatrice. Really think about what that means and then tell me Fluttershy isn't the biggest badass in town.

  • mshaqeel - 8 years ago

    Imo, season 4 is the best, cause of the Tirek battle, Weird Al and the reveal of how Luna got banished to the moon. Also, flutterbat. Nuff said

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    As much as I LOVED Season 6, I chose Season 5 despite... *shudders* ...One episode.

  • e-a-d - 8 years ago

    S4 is the best, S6 is the worst.

  • Starry Wisp - 8 years ago

    I vote Season 5 because Slice of Life. Namely, Derpy.

  • Godzilla - 8 years ago

    I thought Season 2 was the fandom's favorite, but I guess not. It seems like a trend that each new season suddenly becomes the favorite. Imo, it's like this: Season 2 > Season 4 > Season 5 > Season 1 > Season 3

  • don - 8 years ago

    All of the seasons are good...
    Waiting for Spike
    Waiting for Rarity
    Waiting for pony
    Waiting for a ship

  • MaresFillies - 8 years ago

    Y'all are weak the best season is s2. That was the only wedding I ever cried in. Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie should duet in ALL THE WEDDINGS.

  • Swash - 8 years ago

    Season 4 was fucking garbage until the last few episodes. It had crap like "Daring Don't" and "Maud Pie."

  • saturnstar14 - 8 years ago

    Why are the seasons out of order?

  • Sans - 8 years ago

    It'seems a really nice day, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, in days like these, any S1 fan......


  • Misscellanio - 8 years ago

    My list is:
    1. Season 5
    2. Season 1
    3. Season 4
    4. Season 6
    5. Season 3 (I handicap season 3 because it has less episodes)
    6. Season 2

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