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Did Power get snubbed by the Golden Globes?

Total Votes: 32

  • Kyle - 8 years ago

    Fuck 50 and good on the G G G Golden Globes. Should have spent more time on his show and less time trolling women and Empire.

  • Eddie Long - 8 years ago

    Brother Rod, Sistah Karen. I can't believe that power was disrespected by not being honored with a golden globe nomination. With all those glistening golden rumps in those love scene it's a travesty.

    Kind Regards, Empathy& Sympathy.

  • DatGreenGuy - 8 years ago

    Season 1 was hot fire, but they just started doing too much, like having undead evil fity cent get all pedofiley with the kid from Barber Shop, so he could avenge that other kid, that Ghost didn't even kill.

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