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Is "Wonderful Christmastime" the worst Christmas song of all time?

Total Votes: 1,290

  • Ojfugmvndjc - 6 years ago

    Look, I’m not what you would consider to be a Beatlemaniac by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like some of their stuff, and I do think that for the very most part, Paul McCartney is a very talented singer, songwriter and musician. That being said, however, there is without any doubt whatsoever, absolutely NO WORSE Christmas song on the face of this planet than “Wonderful Christmastime”. As good as most of his other stuff has been, I have to wonder if he was sick, high, or drunk when he wrote and recorded that song, or if he had simply gone temporarily insane. It is such a stark departure for the worse from the majority of the rest of his body of work, that I just have to scratch my head when I hear it and go, “Huuuuuhhhhhhh?????”

  • Frank - 7 years ago

    I'm a very big McCartney fan and always will and I understand there are those who aren't but I can tell when it's a Lennon disciple when they have to go on with disrespectful and nasty words. They speak as though PM ruined there lives but for the life of me I don't understand why they follow him and his whole career. "Wonderful Christmas Time" is just fine with me.

  • Henry Millstone - 7 years ago

    This isn't the worst Christmas song of all time, but it's right up there with "Meat-Free Monday," "Freedom" and all those terribly mediocre songs Paul McCartney writes and records since 1971. Never has an artist fallen so far in inspiration, innovation. He is now an elderly man with dyed hair and a voice that's down to a croak, and still he keeps on rakin' it in.

  • Lola Pontillier - 7 years ago

    I didn't even know other people disliked the song? I thought it was widely considered one of the best ever made?

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