How Often Do You Change Your Favorite Pony?


  • Jerry Modene - 7 years ago

    I was going to say that I never change my favorite pony... then realized that they should be changed, at least two or three times a daily depending on how much they've eaten.

  • Stone Prophet - 7 years ago

    No matter what happens, Pinkie has, and will always be my favorite (since 2011). My second favorite however...was always Trixie now that I think about it.

    If the two can be combined into some sort of multi-dimensional 32,000 year old underground alien, partially fallen omni-audient alicorn that cut her horn and wings off, shoots lasers, creates life from an artificial sun, worships crude oil and fire, spontaneously manifests sentient flying black rectangles, can sink through surfaces, conjures artifacts from the fourth and fifth dimension, attacks others by using pure sound vibrations, creates flying ufo-like robots, can hack and destroy other ponies' magic as they cast it, and is an anti-villain that sits on a block of pure silver while fighting negative dimensional entities...then that'll become my favorite pony.

    So we suppose that for a thousand years squared we'll be loyal to Trix-Ponk.

  • lordelliott - 7 years ago

    My favorite has only changed once in the 4 years or so that I've been following this, so I voted other.

  • shryfel - 7 years ago

    Fluttershy was always my favorite, until Starlight Glimmer came around, she dethroned Flutters as new best pony.

  • Smithers - 8 years ago

    Forever loyal is right, as the element of loyalty is the pony too awesome not to be my favourite. She did lose the "best pony" title to Fluttershy a couple of years ago though.

  • Rolling Wonder - 8 years ago

    I changed my favorite pony only once... My favorite was originally Rainbow Dash, but I changed it to Scootaloo when I realized I have a connection to her: We're both physically disabled.

  • Sunlightstar - 8 years ago

    I've read some info about Mane 6 before I started to watch the show and I quite liked Pinkie Pie. I thought she could be a really sympathetic misunderstood character (by her friends), so I actually started to watch that if it proves me right and out of curiosity when I've heard it's loved by older audience. While I grew to love the show immediately, after a few episodes I actually realized that my favorite have to be Fluttershy, for being just like me at almost everything. She was my favorite pretty long time, though I didn't really *love* her that much. Then EqG: Rainbow Rocks came and I was surprised by how much I sympathized with Sunset Shimmer. I may not relate to her *that* much, but her reformed character touched me on such a level, that she had to instantly become my favorite and the first MLP character I truly love. When it comes to Mane 6, I like them by how they act in certain episodes and seasons. Now my favorite Mane 6 is Twilight and Fluttershy ironically fell to the last place in my Mane 6 list. I guess, the character becomes my most favorite by how much I can sympathize with them or relate to them and how they act in individual episodes. But so far I've changed my favorite MLP character 3 times, as I mentioned. Sunset is still my top.

  • Krom - 8 years ago

    I don't have a favorite pony, I like them all in their own way.

  • Judgement - 8 years ago

    Yknow something is wrong when an overwhelming majority admits to not wanting to change their opinion whatsoever.

  • name - 8 years ago

    Well, one of my two mane6 faves was already battling a new competitor after Sisterhooves, and finally dropped in favor completely once she got wings.

    But my two tied all-time favorites? They've never changed; one was a favorite right from S01E01, and the other joined in soon after. After a solid six years unchanged, I doubt anything can topple them from their shared first place.

  • Medicine Cat - 8 years ago

    Sometimes the place order can change among my favorite ponies, but on the whole it's pretty consistent. The only thing that really shakes things up is when an extra special (though extra special partly because we don't see that much of them) pony like Trixie or Starlight Glimmer makes an appearance.

  • RLYoshi - 8 years ago

    When I first joined the fandom, my favorite was Fluttershy. That lasted maybe two weeks, then it was Pinkie for about a year. Then it was Applejack from then until the episode Top Bolt, and from then on it's been Vapor Trail. So... "other" I guess? Kind of combines "I change constantly" with a nonexistent option between "a few times a year" and "forever loyal".

  • neonpalette93 - 8 years ago

    Other. Mine only changes when another pony comes along that I think is better. Right now, my favorite has been Starlight Glimmer for the past year.

  • Steven - 8 years ago

    Other, I am loyal to my favorite but keep adding to my favorites. Started with Pinkie Pie but then added Twilight, Fluttershy, then Luna, Sweetie Belle, ect

  • Readingbrony - 8 years ago

    I mean, I'm not forever loyal per se I just really like Rarity and how she acts. Before that is was Fluttershy but Rarity beat Flutters for best pony a while ago.

  • Metemponychosis - 8 years ago

    "Forever loyal"...

    Are we a religion, perhaps?

  • sam - 8 years ago

    I fell in love with Rainbow Dash on the first episode I watched, I still love her...

  • Firelight - 8 years ago

    I changed my favorite pony only once, after reading a fanfic that helped me see how awesome Rainbow Dash is. ^_^

  • don - 8 years ago

    Favorite dragon? other...

  • Emptybee - 8 years ago

    Other: I don't have a favorite pony.

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