Short Poll: Who's the Better Pony?!


  • Alex Vostox - 7 years ago

    OCTAVIA v.s VINYL !? *Heavy sweating*

  • Feanor - 7 years ago

    TAVIS DONE IT! I've never seen a poll switch so late, but she done it! That's my girl!

  • It2bps - 7 years ago

    I think someone's rigging this poll

  • silvadel - 7 years ago

    The ponies of equestria call for a recount.

  • Spectrum - 7 years ago

    It's 2298 both ways! haha

  • Ronnie - 7 years ago

    Just end it now. Please! This is ridiculous!

  • Robotic Magus - 7 years ago

    After I voted, Octavia had one more vote than Vinyl. My vote actually mattered.

  • Dtic - 7 years ago

    Holy cow Octavia and vinyl switched! I mean it's only by 5 right now but damn this is close.

  • Peter Huang - 7 years ago

    WOW 1 vote difference 2018/2019

  • Another Jack - 7 years ago

    5 Votes Between them!!! Wow! this is much closer than I anticipated.
    (PS Im so so sorry 'tavi! Please forgive me...)

  • easeldoodle - 7 years ago

    Octavia, the mod, is best pony! (\^_^/)

  • Bolt the Super-Pony - 7 years ago

    Separated by only 25 votes? I call hacks!

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    Why would you DO this??!
    My heart's gonna break, man!

  • name - 7 years ago

    Vinyl makes for cooler artwork, but having myself performed publicly in orchestra and in rock/pop bands, as well as dabbled in electronica and industrial, the passion of monochrome cellopone wins my heart by a long stretch over the wubstress. It probably helps that I don't take "Slice Of Life" as canon. Miss DJ is still charming in her way too though.

  • Anonypony - 7 years ago

    Come on Tavi, you can do it!

  • Sunlightstar - 7 years ago

    I never grew to like Octavia (she came a bit snobbish to me and those are my least favorite characters). I'm not a huge fan of Vynil neither, but I definitely prefer her to Octavia. It kinda saddens me that she doesn't speak and doesn't have more personality. It's kinda ironic since they both make my 2 favorite genres of music. I'm just not (and never was) into those fan favorite background ponies (aka "Slice of life" protagonists) in general.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    I love these fun little polls where you can't really make an argument on which pony is better because there's not much canon to go off of even with comic books and other official mlp material.

    Sweetie Drops vs Lyra would be interesting. Well if more people read their chapter book it would be imo.

  • Samraku - 7 years ago

    Wow. Looks like it'll end up being statistically insignificant.

  • Mark - 7 years ago

    Wow, it's still tied.

  • Dogman15 - 7 years ago

    It's gonna be a close one.

  • Rita Repulsa - 7 years ago

    I used to say Octavia
    But now
    I've written so much fanfiction with Vinyl
    I have to choose my favourite MC

  • Mark - 7 years ago

    How can one choose? To be honest though Octavia is a bit less one dimensional, and she can speak.

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    It's a horse race!

  • Swash - 7 years ago

    It's an impossible decision.

  • MrOmg - 7 years ago

    I can' choose! I can't!
    I could go with Vinyl but then Tavi would be sad.
    And voting fot Tavi would be a good idea too but how could I not vote for a DJ-PON3?
    The choice is impossible ;_;

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    DEE JAY PON-3!!!

    how can you resist those sexy magenta eyes?!

  • Sir Strumboldt - 7 years ago

    Well, it is very even. It's good... I suppose...

  • Raincloudboom - 7 years ago

    Wow, this is the closest I've ever seen for an EQD poll.

  • Squeaky_Belle - 7 years ago

    Wub hoers is baeeeee

  • chrisK14 - 7 years ago

    As much as I love violin vinyl's music style is just better.

  • NeonScoundrel - 7 years ago

    Octavia is the better pony, Vinyl is the better Unicorn, this poll is rigged!!!!!!!!!

  • Snesh - 7 years ago

    Octavia best

  • Rae - 7 years ago

    I have no idea who those are? FCs?

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