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How Do You Feel About the Male to Female Ratio in the Show?

Total Votes: 5,507

  • name - 7 years ago

    Early on it was kind of shitty that there were few guy horsen and most were rife with cooties. Even taking into account that it was supposed to be a "woo, girl power!" show it was kind of ridiculously slanted. In time it evened out more or less and eventually there were a reasonable number of good guy studs, so whatever.

  • InfinityDash - 7 years ago

    It would be nice to have more "normal" stallions. And by "normal" I just mean regular ponies. It seems like most incidental characters they interact with are mares, and when they do interact with stallions (besides Big Mac and a few others), they are often bad guys or have, I dunno, wildly exaggerated or stereotypical portrayals (Hayseed Turnip Truck, Gizmo (the "nerd" pony), others).

    It's also possible I'm just not remembering any of the more "realistic" stallions they've interacted with. I guess Sunburst is a good example that goes against my point above. Whatever. I need to rewatch the series again, I don't think I've watched any episodes since S6 ended.

    But in all honesty I don't really care *that* much, the ration is pretty much fine the way it is.

  • Red - 7 years ago

    We don't even have enough stallions to ship mane6. We have Discord, Cheese, Soarin and Sunburst for Fluttershy, Pinkie, Dash and Starlight but we have no one for Twilight, Rarity and Aj.

  • Samuel Downs - 7 years ago

    mares are more attractive, so I'm all for mares

  • Swash - 7 years ago

    It's good as it is. More mares for Spike.

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    In fact, looking back over season 6 episodes there are more stallions in the background that I remember! Actually, I'm rather happy with the ratio. (I have to bear in mind it is a girls show after all)
    I think that was the quickest opinion change I've made!

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    I personally would prefer a few more stallions, but not necessarily less mares. Just to make the gender ratio a little more equal.

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    The ratio overall is good but I'm surprised at the male doctor, female nurse, female small animal vet cliché.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Oh snaps! My apologies. I was think the question said "in the fandom" opps!
    I say it's good.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Is there a who cares option

  • don - 7 years ago

    All the mares get Spike

  • lordelliott - 7 years ago


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