As regards A Song of Ice and Fire, what, if anything, does George R.R. Martin owe his fans?

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  • Sandra Leighton - 8 years ago

    I believe the books are written and both will be published after the TV series is finished, HBO will probably have a signed contract saying this, even so, both will be worth waiting for.

  • Zeuxis - 8 years ago

    That's poppycock.
    Michelangelo needed just four years to finish one of the greatest works of art ever, painting the ceiling of the Sixtine Chappel.
    He was a dedicated artist.

    GRRM is no dedicated artist, let alone a genius. He has become a pompous scribbler with overblown ego.

  • Judy Fletcher Leary - 8 years ago

    Never rush a genius! Their creative power comes with frequent breaks and living life like the rest of us! For god 's sake let him live his Life and STOP being so selfish. Just enjoy what he has contributed to the world already. After each release it belongs to the universe then! Judy

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