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What do your friends think of ponies?

Total Votes: 6,004

  • InfinityDash - 7 years ago

    The people that I "hang out" with IRL (so, some friends, some just acquaintances) vary from thinking it's weird, to despising it, to not having any idea whatsoever that I watch MLP. Back in 2011-2012 I was a bit more open about it but these days I mostly keep it to myself. Honestly only a single person of my friends+acquaintances from the past 6 years actually likes the show, or at least did a few years ago. I haven't seen him in like 2 years.... I'm basically becoming/have become a recluse.

    To anyone who says "You need to get new friends if all your friends don't like the thing you like"... well, it doesn't work like that. I mean, I wish I had a whole bunch of friends and we all shared the same interests, but in reality people share some interests with their friends while other interests differ, to the point of strongly disliking a few things that one or more of your friends really likes and vice versa. Not to mention "getting new friends" is much easier said than done. And it only gets harder once you've left the surrounded-by-people-your-age atmospheres of high school and college and you get into the surrounded-by-people-twenty-to-thirty-years-older-except-for-that-one-guy-but-he's-a-jerk atmosphere of a full time soul crushing job....

    But then again I'm not an authority to speak on friendship. I have like... 3 close friends? 2 that I see regularly? So what do I know.

  • HalflingPony - 7 years ago

    @Misscellanio You took the words right out of my mouth. Pity that some here seem to have adopted the Safety Dance philosophy: "We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind / Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance / Well they're are no friends of mine"

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Also my best friends were my friends before I started watching mlp so....yea.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    @Zidders Roofurry what the hell does that even mean XD
    My friend loves dubstep music and I despise it for the most part. It doesn't make me any less his friend. I don't give two fucks if my friends don't like a show that I like whatever. We still hangout with each other, we still talk about deep things, we still drink together, etc.
    My friends love me so they don't care if I watch a show that they hate the content.
    Your question doesn't even make any sense. You're basically saying "If your friends don't like something you do that means you can't be friends." Sounds really dumb.
    They despise ponies. They don't despise me XD
    I despise Nirvana. I don't despise my friends who like Nirvana.
    I despise Attack on Titan. I don't despise my friends who like Attack on Titan.

  • Smithers - 7 years ago

    My main group of friends for the last few years are my friends _because_ we all love ponies.

  • SM - 7 years ago

    Why isn't this on EQD anymore?

  • Pomalong - 7 years ago

    Most of my friends are also pony fans, but those who aren't don't seem to mind either way, so long as I don't force them to watch or anything.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    If I had friends would I be sitting at home watching cartoon ponies?

  • Dave - 7 years ago

    where's the "I don't got any friends" option?

  • BKoh - 7 years ago

    If the majority of your friends despise something that you love, you should probably work on your friend-making skills. I don't think I've ever had a friend that cared what TV shows I watched that they didn't. That's a ridiculous level of shallow.

  • BillAmes - 7 years ago

    My friends who are not pony fans have no idea about my pony connection or any interest that they mention in ponies. I don't ask and don't tell. Same for Steven Universe.. And it is sad because a lot of the world is missing some wonderful entertainment.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago

    @Misscellanio If your 'friends' despite ponies despite knowing you are you sure they're friends?

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago

    This list needs:
    I have friends who are into it and friends who aren't-both are supportive of my interest in the show


    I have friends who are into it and friends who aren't-the former are supportive while some of the latter are supportive and the rest are indifferent.

  • AppleOrangePie - 7 years ago

    i have two friends who are into the show and others just deal with it

  • Scrooge - 7 years ago

    What friends?

  • novalisk - 7 years ago

    I "made" my friends and my brother watch it, and now they all love it.

  • Jack - 7 years ago

    Some of my friends aren't into the show but still think that it's awesome that I'm a brony.
    Meanwhile the others are either fans as well or they're completely unconcerned.

  • SACKBOT33 - 7 years ago

    I have one friend that's into the show, the other one used to be in the show.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    my friends despise ponies. They don't care too much that I watch it, but despise them nonetheless.

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