Muthu ndi nne na mutakalo nga fagi, ri a di kukumusa nga vhahashi vho no amba luambo lwo kunaho. Ma-Afrika a sa sandiho vhanwe, Ri naawi misi yothe.
I narine misi yothe
Ri na inwi misi yothe , Yo tanganedzwa Lwamondo Ndaaa
I am inspired by the years Phalaphala has been into existence. I am really blessed at all times when I listen to this station.
Kha I bvume Phalaphala I tshi di ya, tenda vha na rine misi yothe.
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Muthu ndi nne na mutakalo nga fagi, ri a di kukumusa nga vhahashi vho no amba luambo lwo kunaho.
Ma-Afrika a sa sandiho vhanwe, Ri naawi misi yothe.
I narine misi yothe
Ri na inwi misi yothe , Yo tanganedzwa Lwamondo Ndaaa
I am inspired by the years Phalaphala has been into existence. I am really blessed at all times when I listen to this station.
Kha I bvume Phalaphala I tshi di ya, tenda vha na rine misi yothe.