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Do you like Trump's actions as president so far?

Total Votes: 21,408

  • Jossie Sapp - 7 years ago

    Trump,s overall opiniond are more businrss ot personalized than Presidential issues related. He,s more an antisocialit to melting pot nationalities he cannot understand or communicate with. He displays paranoid characteristics and dehumanizing tendencies toward anyone that is not visibly a white american according to his own understanding. It is impossibe for such a state of mind to represent a multicultural nation of people., whenAmerican culturals have worked well at a universal level before the 2016 election. Trump cannot run the United States with childish ideas. He,s going to destroy the United States and what it stands for in less than 1 year. If we,re not bombed first for the way he treat, and talk down to American citizens and some of our allies. He has NO professional customer skills. It,s not so much what we say but how we say it. He is paranoid. Not Presidential material.. He is so EMBARRASSING to us U.S. Citizens. Displays mental and special need characteristics. I really fear for our country under his childish leadership.

  • Jossie Sapp - 7 years ago

    Trump,s overall opiniond are more businrss ot personalized than Presidential issues related. He,s more an antisocialit to melting pot nationalities he cannot understand or communicate with. He displays paranoid characteristics and dehumanizing tendencies toward anyone that is not visibly a white american according to his own understanding. It is impossibe for such a state of mind to represent a multicultural nation of people., whenAmerican culturals have worked well at a universal level before the 2016 election. Trump cannot run the United States with childish ideas. He,s going to destroy the United States and what it stands for in less than 1 year. If we,re not bombed first for the way he treat, and talk down to American citizens and some of our allies. He has professional customer skills. It,s not so much what we say but how we say it. He is paranoid. Not Presidential material.. He is so EMBARRASSING to us U.S. Citizens. Displays mental and special need characteristics. I really fear for our country under his childish leadership.

  • Jossie Sapp - 7 years ago

    Trump,s overall opiniond are more businrss ot personalized than Presidential issues related. He,s more an antisocialit to melting pot nationalities he cannot understand or communicate with. He displays paranoid characteristics and dehumanizing tendencies toward anyone that is not visibly a white american according to his own understanding. It is impossibe for such a state of mind to represent a multicultural nation of people. America culturals have worked well at a universal level before the 2016 election. Trump cannot run the United States with childish ideas. He,s going to destroy the United States and what it stands for in less than 1 year. If we,re not bombed first for the way he treat, talk down to, no professional customer skills. Sorry he is not Presidential material.

  • Kelly - 7 years ago

    Hillary only won the popular vote because millions of undocumented aliens voted. I live in a very small town and I personally know 10 undocumented that voted for her. So you can say what you want he would have gotten the popular vote if all voters were legal

  • Jim Hardin - 7 years ago

    As with most polls being conducted, they do not reflect the TRUE response from legal American citizens. Trump is the BEST President we have seen in YEARS. If you don't like and accept him, move to Canada or Mexico or elsewhere and see how other countries are being run and how much freedom you actually have.

  • Francis Francisco - 7 years ago

    Lets see, Putin, I mean trump lost by more votes than anybody in history. He ran a charity, collected donations, then used the donations to pay his own personal debts. He still does not make anything in the USA. By all accounts he represents the minority in this country, therefore he is not legit. More to come every time he opens his mouth, his approval rate goes down. Unless of course you watch the Fake News (FOX).

  • Dan Smith - 7 years ago

    Mr Trump's knowledge of politics is based almost entirely on conservative propaganda and it shows in his actions. He obviously does not understand the implications of his decisions so far as president, nor does he appear to care about the implications. He is, and will continue to be a danger to this country and the world if allowed to continue to lead the USA.

  • Jeremy Anderson - 7 years ago

    It isn't only liberals who can see this man is a disaster and a dangerous embarrassment.

  • Mario Valenti - 7 years ago

    Mexico hacked this poll

  • Carlos spicy Wiener - 7 years ago

    56% are liberals, social justice warriors, or illegal immigrants. Also, they suck just saying.

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