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Who was your favourite Friendship is Magic Story Editor?

Total Votes: 5,448

  • Seth - 7 years ago

    I'm severely disappointed that Josh Haber came over here and refreshed the page 400+ times. There's no way this hack would ever get a single vote from any rational individual. The amount of damage he's done to the series is depressing. Will the series survive? Absolutely. That doesn't excuse his wanton disregard for coherent plots longer than 10 minutes. Consider he was the writer to the horrible Season 5 finale, as well as the writer for the horrible Friendship Games movie. They were utter disasters that had a lot of potential, and his writing just had them spiral out of control. Him being given any level of control was a travesty.

  • Misscellanio - 7 years ago

    Isn't it kind of impossible to vote for this without knowing exactly who did what. Like what positive and negative outcomes came because of the writers and what positive and negative outcomes came because of the story editors.
    Also there's also people getting unnecessarily upset in these polls.

  • Raffaele Lanza - 7 years ago

    @InfinityDash: aside all my problems with the Faustfags and their toxicity, personally I always found the S1 EXTREMELY overrated: too many forgettable episodes (The Pilot, Feeling Pinkie Keen, Stare Master, Over A Barrel, A Bird in THE Hoof) or episodes where the characters are written very off or are idiotic or unstandeable (Ticket Master, Boast Busters, Show Stoppers). To me compared to ALL the other seasons (yes, S3 included) the S1 aged bad.... like, really bad.... however I think it's overidolatrized because the name behind it showrunning (Lauren Faust). All of this makes me REALLY sad because it proves that many people decided to watch the show not because personal interest (like I did 5 years ago) but only because she directed it.... like if she's a worta goddess and everything she writes is gold..... oh wait, IT ISN'T (I'm watching you Everyone knows it's Bendy, The Little Pea and Fosters go in Europe....)

  • HalflingPony - 7 years ago

    TBH, I'm a little fuzzy on what exactly the story editor's role and impact is.

  • Anon - 7 years ago

    Only newfags don't vote for Rob. His storyediting and Lauren's ideas kept the show together until Season 3

  • Guest - 7 years ago

    These polls always result in the assumed-popular vote -- Meghan being the obvious one this time. Rob is more deserving though.

  • rarifag - 7 years ago


  • Joshua Moudy - 7 years ago

    I enjoy Season 6, but I still LOVE me some Meghan McCarthy. ^_^

  • Firestorm "Danger" Dash - 7 years ago

    I agree that Rob seemed to have the most consistent seasons.

    Not to deflate Meghan but everyone I seem to talk to usually see seasons 3-4 as the low note of the series. Though I would before many other factors hindered Meghan rather then Meghan herself.

  • InfinityDash - 7 years ago

    @Zidders Completely agree about Rob. The unexpected success of FiM only came about due to a "perfect storm" of writers, editors, animators, and directors, not to mention showrunner. Rob's story editing, in season 2 especially (IMO), was essential in helping the show find its voice and become the thing we all came to love. A different story editor could have resulted in a show with promising characters and great voice acting, but directionless and without focus, which I think would've turned off many people from the show (me included probably).

  • Rob all the way! - 7 years ago

    Rob all the way!

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago

    I don't get why Rob isn't winning this one. They pretty much helped define the show and characters over the course of the first two seasons. It's Rob's efforts that helped make the show what it is. Everything that came after was based on what he'd helped create.

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