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Who do you blame for the U.C. Berkeley riot?


  • Jeanne - 7 years ago

    Professors and Teachers are rewriting history. I actually had a college student tell me that Democrats & Republicans switched places. Back when Democrats voted against ending slavery and voted against the civil rights act they were actually Republicans. If you can make that more clear good luck! Students are actually TAUGHT to hate white people & Republicans. I guess that is why we see so many white blaming hating their own race! Schools no longer teach kids how to survive in life! Losing and rejection is something they just dont understand anymore. You can also blame them for the suicide rate being so high. Hell of a life when you turn 25 before ANYONE tells you no! Must be impossible to fail a test these days when everyone gets a C just for writing their name on the paper! Another 50 years of this crap and America will no longer exist. Makes me happy I wont be here to see it!

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    I blame those privileged, ungreatful little shits. One option should have been themselves.

  • Cali65 - 7 years ago

    If Soros and his son were a choice, I would have voted for them.

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    I honestly believe the Goals for this mindset started with U.N. Agenda. 21 . Soros Open Society 2030 goals, open borders, are leading it there. They don't realize what they lose in the end game.

  • Victoria - 7 years ago

    First and foremost, the students are to blame. They're ostensibly adults and should be able to act as such. Personal responsibility is a concept that these children need to learn. Given that the was not a choice, I went with professors who act to mislead, brainwash and file up these weak-minded cretins. I would throw in Obama, who set the stage by cultivating the "grievance" industry, and the media, who propagate his lies. Parents? Some yes, some no...

  • Christian - 7 years ago

    This poll cannot capture the blame which could be dispersed among many entities. Milo himself said the campus police took a nonchalant approach from the beginning. Ultimately the students are the ones acting and who should suffer the immediate consequences, but that liberal crap has oozed through the education system directly from an agenda that has its hooks in many facets of our society. Obama was a pawn, Hillary was a pawn, Soros is a demon filled virus funding much of this mess.

  • Glenn - 7 years ago

    I blame the liberal California government for not sending in the Police and cracking some useless skulls!!

  • Alyce - 7 years ago

    The media has had free reign for eight years. They are corrupt beyond belief and are destroying this country. They used to be a reliable source, but can no longer be trusted. They have relegated us to no better than North Korea with their propaganda and it's shameful. They need to be made aware they are irrelevant and they need to be sued when spouting fake news. Get them at their must vulnerable point, their wallets. Let's get integrity back...

  • Jamie Muller - 7 years ago

    I blame Obama for a couple of reasons... A. In the 8 years as President he fostered a greater divide between races and sides. A lot of the protesters scream about white people, often the person on the mic is white so go figure. B. Obama is still for in all purposes the figure head of the democrat party and his words are of encouragement and praise to the people doing the protests, violence and riots. C. He fostered the extreme divisiveness in Congress and PC Police to look out for everyone but Americans. D. I find it hard to believe that Obama was not aware of what was happening in the DNC and these protesters, especially on campus's, wanted Bernie for the free stuff. So just like Obama drawing a red line in the sand with Syria then running, jarring side to side, and hiding from the line like it was instead a red dodge ball combined with pulling out troops created a vacuum to create ISIS the same can be said for a good portion of the democrat party who feel they got screwed and now all these participation trophy, entitled millennials who have never heard the word "no" or had to take responsibility/accountability of their actions are running a muck. E. Obama is a narcissist who often played the victim and since some people thought he was the second coming they saw his behavior and thought it was okay to act like that, so now these protesters are all about "me, me, me", give me "your" money, give me this, give me that and not too far from Obama's "I have a phone and pen and I will use it" these protester's are "I have a bullhorn, rocks, burning flags, fire, my fists, Hollywood on my side and I will use it." F. Obama could right now go on camera and say "Stop, you have been heard and now it is going too far. You are starting to dilute the validity of people on our side who are really working hard to make sure you are represented and fought for, let them do their job whether that is congress, your local and state elected officials or community leaders. There is no need for violence, everyone is entitled to the first amendment, you need to stop what you are doing. Have talks with your neighbors, friends and family express your views and try to understand theirs, that is where the change and coming together as a country is going to begin, not with riots and violence." G. Obama killed journalism by controlling the media narrative. So my vote is Obama!

  • Kathleen - 7 years ago

    8 years of an anti-American spineless administration has created the environment for all of this chaos and violent behavior. The behavior we are witnessing is rioting, not protesting and it is being condoned, even solicited, by all walks of liberals particularly the politicians and blatantly biased major news networks.

  • Andrea Johnson - 7 years ago

    The media is the mouthpiece of the Soros-backed, organized protests turned riots.

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    I don't think the blame should go to one person or group I think it's a combination of the school the media the way they're raised and the previous administration

  • Shannon Bullock - 7 years ago

    Obama funded these riots with tax payer $!!! Several of these riot organizing groups received hundreds of thousands!! OBAMA DESERVES PRISON!! He has supported radicals all over the world, destroyed countries and killed so's kinda sick if u think about it. He hated leaving knowing his intentional distruction of our economy was going to be fixed FASTER than he broke it and when things got better he'd finally be recognized by everyone as THE WORST POTUS EVER!!

  • Gloria Cole - 7 years ago

    Our parents unfortunately aren't a influence on our children. The biggest influence on our children are the educators. School doesn't educate our children any more. School indoctrinates them!!!

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    Trick question with multiple answers. Should have been check all that apply. Media fuels the libtard professors agenda already somewhat instilled by parents but mainly through Obama govt reach into the separation of church and state in education.

  • H McBride - 7 years ago

    How about adding an option to choose the students?? Ultimately it is their fault and they should be punished accordingly for their own actions! It's called being an ADULT!

  • Don E. Webster - 7 years ago

    Character and values are forged by role models, i. e. parents, teachers, church leaders, etc. At 73, I've seen a continuing, downward decline in these attributes in America with regard to traditional definitions.
    Think and believe as you will, but in my view our country is clearly suffering from the gradual but unceasing encroachment of secularism.

  • DOUGLAS MARTIN - 7 years ago

    I had several in combination but ultimately the parents are to blame

  • Elizabeth - 7 years ago

    I really wanted to blame the students, because ultimately they need to be held accountable for their actions.

  • theresa - 7 years ago

    I really wanted to say parent and media but could not pick two also the students.

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    I really wanted to choose several. Obama and media working together, I believe, pushed and encouraged the lashing and acting out w/physical harm and destruction. Their approval gave these lost souls permission, plus add the incentive of payment by other sources!

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    I really wanted to choose several. Obama and media working together, I believe, pushed and encouraged the lashing and acting out w/physical harm and destruction. Their approval gave these lost souls permission, plus add the incentive of payment by other sources!

  • dianna - 7 years ago

    I blame the individuals rioting. That is what is wrong with our country, no accountability for your own actions. Sad to see federal dollars of aid wasted on a college that doesn't produce jobs or only a percentage of productive members of society. I am thankful my child is spending her college tuition wisely, to get an education!

  • Orin Black - 7 years ago

    Not listed in poll. Outside group dressed in black with masks on carrying ballpean hammers and short crowbars. Same as DC during inaguration. This is an organized group -same as one that destroyed limo in DC. They were passing verbal signals and working effectively as a team. Need to find out who is financially supporting them.

  • Lindsey - 7 years ago

    I actually blame the students, but that wasn't an option.

  • yelena smetsky - 7 years ago

    I think it should be one more option. Blame LIBERALS as a political force. . It is obvious that students have been organized. Somebody got them together and gave them "protesting tools" it doesn't happen on its own

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