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Does Billy Belong With Phyllis or Victoria?


  • Billyboy - 7 years ago

    Billy n Vicky need to get back together, Phyllis has no CHEMISTRY with Billy. They have been apart way to long Johnny n Katie needs
    them together.

  • daniellen27 - 7 years ago

    Billy belongs with Victoria. HOWEVER, she refuse to have anything to do with him. Likewise Jack who is crazy about Phyllis but would prefer being stretched on a rack rather than admit it. In the meantime, Billy and Phyllis do care for each other and share a powerful attraction. Let that relationship run it's course. Maybe Jack and Victoria will wake up! Now, there's a pair! Victor would livid and Nicky bewildered. Vack or Jictoria! After all, Jack did sleep with Gloria under heavy influence and he was needy. And Victoria had Travis. So let Phylly/Billis run it's course and get it out of their system for better or for worse!

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