Have politics cost you a relationship with a family member or friend in the last year?


  • Monty - 8 years ago

    Robert, while I feel bad for you, this is an opportunity to teach a lesson. If you are paying for a phone, for someone who is willing to use emotional blackmail on you, then you don't need to continue to pay for that. I have a friend who had something similar happen, and while the instant response was along the "how dare you, you owe me that phone" the person did eventually realize that he'd been taking care of them, and they'd been taking and demanding. I can be hard, but the world we live in today is one where one side sees being willing to allow the other to exist, but they can't talk or do anything we don't like, as "tolerance," while the other side sees a group of people who act like toddlers, especially when it's pointed out that they are, over everything. We need tough love and to teach the world that a differing opinion isn't hate or the like, or we won't last much longer.

  • Robert Neilsen - 8 years ago

    My daughter sent my wife and I this text a year ago;
    I can no longer justify having you in my life, do not contact me ever again.
    Haven't heard from her since, she still uses her cell
    phone on our family account though!

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