• Dash Master - 7 years ago

    I already got sorted into Ravenclaw on Pottermore. I don't want to join that house, I'm already in IN it. It's official!

  • Insectopus - 7 years ago

    I think I read somewhere that Ravenclaw always wins this type of poll. No one wants to say Gryffondor, because then they're just accused of fanboying and choosing because that's where Harry went. No one will say Slytherin for obvious reasons (i.e. inherent evil) except for the few who are being purposefully contrary. And no one votes Hufflepuff because it's become associated as being the house of special snowflakes, for people who want to say that they're quirky and different (i.e. super stereotypical hipster). That leaves Ravenclaw, which a majority vote for because "oh yeah, that's the smart house. I'm a smart person and have my (previously outlined) reasons why I can't vote for the others".

  • TexasUberAlles - 7 years ago

    Poll incomplete, lacks option for "Don't give a buck about Hairy Porter".

  • BlueDragonAura - 7 years ago

    Seth, what is this poll FOR?

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    Yo, fuck harry potter. I'm glad that fandom isnt so relevant anymore

  • LegosCraft - 7 years ago

    Ravenclaw is the best because Luna Lovegood was in Ravenclaw :)

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    Fun poll is fun!

    Next do which complex animal (or plant) would you like to be reincarnated as (or turn into at will), assuming you can remember your present life and act accordingly? Like, whitetail deer, maned wolf, kea, blue jay, octopus, tuna, pistol shrimp, dragonfly, aspen grove, sequoia, banyan tree?

  • trachie17 - 7 years ago

    Um...you spelled Gryffindor wrong. Yet you guys spelled the other houses right.

  • lordelliott - 7 years ago

    What are we testing? O.o

  • Xinef - 7 years ago

    Pffftftpfp, fffttff!
    (House Fluffle Puff, obviously!)

  • Litrojia - 7 years ago


  • Bartosz Skorupa - 7 years ago

    Looks like someone run out of polls here...

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