What Was the Best Thing From Toy Fair?


  • Firehelix - 7 years ago

    Smh... I'm surprise beyond words as to why the polls for the underwhelming news of season 7 ... I say this poll is rigged.... the info on season 7 so far isn't exciting or surprising.... I would be way more excited if we learned more about older alicorn history in equestria of even on the origins of discord .... come on hasbro give us some real news like more detailed info on star swirl the bearded

  • Bawwjg - 7 years ago

    Slow Going poll

  • Someone - 7 years ago

    >Guardians of HARONY

    Good one, Seth.

  • Andrew - 7 years ago

    transformers the last knight toys

  • Raffaele Lanza - 7 years ago

    While I can definitely see why the news about the S7 conquered most of the crowd and I for one I'm excited for it, I'm personally way more hyped for the Movie instead but this is most due to the fact that most of my hype for this show has gone after that atrocity of the S6 finale and how it treated the Mane 6. I'm really scared to watch anything coming for this show in the future, I suffered so much because the last season finale and how terribly treated the Mane 6. I can't let myself feel like that again.... which is why I've decided to watch ONLY the first half of the S7, and then the Movie (which should come before the second half even starts) which will be the series finale for me. Gonna pretend everything afterward never existed. In other words I don't care that other 52 episodes are coming for this show: to me only 13 episodes and the Movie are left, and THAT'S IT. Not gonna change my plans, and don't judge me. I'm doing what I feel I should do for my own safety.

    PS: not gonna hide thought that I'm quite happy of the big spoiler of the S7 happening in the first half AND in the final episode I'me gonna watch before the Movie thought.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago

    To be honest I felt the season 7 news rather underwhelming. Same with most of the toys. I won't start getting hyped up over the next two seasons until I see whether or not the writings getting any better.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    Robot Twilight FTW

  • Starry Wisp - 7 years ago

    I voted for EQG Minis, because Derpy. SHE HAS A MUFFIN ON HER HEAD FOR PONIES SAKE!!!

  • Swash - 7 years ago

    There's nothing more exciting right now than the Guardians of Harony.

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    heh, good to see most people care about season 7.

    I'll only be truly impressed when Funko gets full control of the toy market and produces show accurate figurines

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