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Pasadena, CA vs. Peoria, IL (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 25,731

  • Julie - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful

  • Linda H. - 7 years ago

    Vote for Pasadena City Hall. This is a beauty contest, after all. And Pasadena is most beautiful.

  • Otis - 7 years ago

    Milo, I think you're confused. Vote Peoria!!!

  • The entire State of Canton - 7 years ago

    Votes for Peoria.

  • The entire State of Canada - 7 years ago

    Votes for Peoria.

  • Adele Laurie Blue Adkins - 7 years ago

    Hello.... it's me.. The real Adele - and every time I sing my heart out; it's for Peoria!

  • Kelly - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • The Entire State of Montana - 7 years ago

    Votes for Peoria!

  • Amy F. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Rocky - 7 years ago

    If I could choose new stairs to run up.. it'd be Peoria City Hall's every time!

  • April Ludgate - 7 years ago

    Pasadena is so overrated... VOTE PEORIA!!!! :D

  • Captain Obvious - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Richard, of course we all knew that.

  • Adele P. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Milo - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Richard Pryor - 7 years ago

    Did you know that I was from Peoria? Go Peoria!!

  • Daffy Duck - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. It is time to Space Jam.

  • R Kelly - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. I believe I can fly.

  • Jane - 7 years ago

    Fabulously Flemish Peoria City Hall!!!

  • God - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria.

  • Jay Z - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Clearly I know where my loyalties are.

  • W. Farrelli - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall.

  • Cameron L. - 7 years ago

    Jay-Z is supporting Pasadena City Hall.

  • Amelia - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Jay Z - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria.

  • Blake Richmond - 7 years ago


  • Martin Z. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • BeyoncĂ© - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Yeah it is true. I said their name.

  • Evangelina - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • The news - 7 years ago

    Is it true that Beyoncé voted for Peoria? Vote Peoria.

  • grace - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • AnthonyT - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is fairest in the land.

  • Dave - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Anna - 7 years ago

    Pasadena is the best.

  • June - 7 years ago

    Pasadena city hall!

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    Pasadena city hall is amazing!

  • Miller Lite - 7 years ago

    Vote Peoria. Do it for my friends Reggie and Brad.

  • Ben - 7 years ago

    Vote Pasadena city hall.

  • Bugs Bunny creator - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. The original bugs Bunny was drawn in Peoria City Hall according to folklore. Well I mean that is what I made up.

  • Andrew - 7 years ago

    Go Pasadena city hall!

  • Lauren - 7 years ago

    The best is definitely Pasadena City Hall.

  • Bugs Bunny - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria.

  • Ross - 7 years ago


  • Christian - 7 years ago

    Pasadena city hall.

  • Michael - 7 years ago


  • Alma - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall.

  • Good Ole Abe - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Don't listen to my wife.

  • Jonah - 7 years ago

    All the love to Pasadena city hall.

  • Ray - 7 years ago

    Peoria is very pedestrian friendly! You can walk or ride your bike to work.

  • Helen - 7 years ago

    Peoria Peoria peoria. Boom with an H.

  • Mary - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is the best.

  • Belen - 7 years ago

    I love Pasadena City Hall!

  • Ralph - 7 years ago

    Mr. T used to date a girl that lived in Peoria.

  • Heather - 7 years ago

    Pasadena city hall.

  • Carmelo Anthony - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Real nice Phil. Real nice.

  • pedro - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City hall. Great place

  • Greg - 7 years ago

    Let's go Pasadena city hall!

  • Timmy - 7 years ago

    Peoria is a class act.

  • Benji - 7 years ago

    Peoria should never lose.

  • Phil Jackson - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. If you do, I will trade you Carmelo Anthony.

  • Tomas - 7 years ago

    Lived in Peoria for 23 years. Loved every one of them.

  • Bobby the Brain Heanen - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Yokozuna should get more votes. He weighed 601 pounds. That is like 3 people.

  • Becca - 7 years ago


  • Josh - 7 years ago


  • Yokozuna - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria. Mr. Fugi and I did from Heaven.

  • Sophia - 7 years ago

    Most beautiful is Pasadena.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall!

  • Abe Lincolns friend - 7 years ago

    Vote Peoria. I just wanted to verify Abe Lincoln did in fact say that.

  • Juan Cena - 7 years ago

    Vote Peoria.

  • Nathan - 7 years ago

    It's a widely known fact that so inspired was he after seeing Peoria's City Hall, Abe Lincoln actually said "Had I known such beauty in the world existed, I would've done a better job on the Gettysburg Address." Peoria all the way!

  • Alberto Del Rio - 7 years ago

    Vote Peoria.

  • Albert Enstine - 7 years ago

    Peoria is spelled with 6 letters. It should win. Vote Peoria.

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    If Pasadena City Hall is worthy of Leslie Knope herself, how can it lose? Pasadena!!

  • Amy - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is the best!

  • Reggie Miller - 7 years ago

    I am not related to either of the below Miller's. but I once scored like 25 points in 8 seconds. I say Vote for Peoria.

  • Brad Miller - 7 years ago

    I am Chris's brother. I used to play basketball for the Sacramento Kings. I think that is kind of close. Anyways. I say Vote for Peoria.

  • Maria - 7 years ago


  • Chris MilIer - 7 years ago

    I was just kidding. I meant to say Vote Peoria. I know Leslie Knope and she said to vote Peoria.

  • Chris Miller - 7 years ago

    How could anyone deny Pawnee City Hall the Leslie B. Knope award? Pasadena should win this by default. Ya heard?

  • Steve Kerr - 7 years ago

    I love Peoria.

  • Steve Kerr - 7 years ago

    I love Peoria.

  • Steve Kerr - 7 years ago

    I love Peoria.

  • Steve Kerr - 7 years ago

    I love Peoria.

  • Panda - 7 years ago

    Go Peoria!!!

  • Phil Jackson - 7 years ago

    Well this got awkward. Vote Peoria.

  • Chuck - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall is an absolutely beautiful historis part of Peoria IL history. I greatly appreciate that Peoria has invested in maintaining this beautiful building.

  • Bill Wennington - 7 years ago

    @PhilJackson Why did you need to bring me into this? Vote Peoria.

  • Frank - 7 years ago


  • Lulu - 7 years ago

    Come on people of Peoria ! Vote for our beautiful City Hall ! Go, go, go.....Vote !

  • Full House - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria

  • Frankie & Willie - 7 years ago

    Vote for Peoria City Hall, There is a lot of history in that building and in the town also. Go Peoria !

  • Snapchat - 7 years ago

    Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria Peoria

  • Phil Jackson - 7 years ago

    Pasedena's City Hall wouldn't beat Bill Wennington in a 1 on 1 basketball game.

  • Bill Murray - 7 years ago

    There are a lot of photos of Luc Longely and no one would vote for him for great Chicago Bull ever.

  • Joel - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is featured in more photos, TV and movies than any other. It is beautiful

  • Willis C. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall!

  • Willis C. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Yes - 7 years ago

    PEORIA is the best

  • Captain Planet - 7 years ago

    PEORIA. (Kids pointing rings at City Hall and I appear.)

  • Piccy - 7 years ago

    Team Peoria all the way! Peoria is an amazing place in general.

  • Action Jackson - 7 years ago

    Peoria! Go Peoria Braves! Go Peoria Manual Rams basketball team 4 repeat championships 1994-1997!

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