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Pasadena, CA vs. Peoria, IL (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 25,731

  • Tasha - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful. I can see it from my office. Just have to love it.

  • Amy - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Oscar Pyrenees - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Amos - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall. Beautiful

  • Maggie - 7 years ago

    Peoria's City Hall is in the center of the center of the universe...everyone knows that!

  • Macey - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall is the best of all-time...WOOO!

  • Bella - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Chicago - 7 years ago

    Chicago was actually originally part of Peoria County...Fact! Peoria City Hall

  • Mace - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is the best anywhere.

  • Barry - 7 years ago

    Middle America Peoria City Hall!

  • Johnnie B - 7 years ago

    Go Go Peoria City Hall Go Go

  • Jean - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall hands down.

  • John P. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is the most beautiful I ever saw.

  • Billie - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall!

  • Betty Ma - 7 years ago

    Best is Pasadena City Hall by far.

  • Bill M. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Crystal - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is finest in the nation.

  • Diana - 7 years ago

    Hands down, Pasadena. So incredibly beautiful.

  • Chris - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is gorgeous.

  • Mike R - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Liz - 7 years ago

    Pasadena all the way, proud to say I worked there!

  • Margaret - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is nicest I ever saw

  • Mike - 7 years ago

    Never any question. Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Carrie - 7 years ago

    Gotta be Pasadena City Hall. No question.

  • Laura - 7 years ago

    Best anywhere is Pasadena City Hall.

  • March - 7 years ago

    Peoria's City Hall is the best in the Mid-West. NAY--the best in the land!

  • Robin M. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena Chamber is best by far.

  • Charles - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best. Vote for it.

  • Gail - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is prettiest I ever saw

  • Garrison - 7 years ago

    When Abe Lincoln would traverse the state, first as an attorney, then as a stateman, he always said that Peoria's CIty Hall 'twas the most beautiful he'd ever had the chance to see". Good enough for Abe Lincoln, good enough to win this round.

  • Kevin - 7 years ago

    No doubt. Pasadena City Hall is best in the US.

  • Jennifer - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best in the west.

  • TV Buff - 7 years ago

    Fun fact--the production crew of Dr. Who wanted to use Peoria's City Hall for a shoot because of it's European look! Go Peoria!

  • Caitlin - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is prettiest I ever saw.

  • Karl - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful. Deserves everyone's vote.

  • Michael - 7 years ago

    Peoria's city hall has an etched cornerstone--in that is a time capsule!!

  • Anabella - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall. I am singing its praises.

  • Sarah Babcock - 7 years ago

    Pasadena rocks!!!

  • Howard - 7 years ago


  • Noel - 7 years ago

    Only Pasadena could star in countless films and movies!

  • Greg - 7 years ago

    Peoria all the way.

  • Sammy - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is great. Best in the USA.

  • Belladpyr - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is the absolute best.

  • George - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is great!

  • Joan - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is great.

  • Salomon D. - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall.

  • Justin - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is finest.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful.

  • Anne - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall

  • Annie E - 7 years ago

    Absolutely. Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Kelley - 7 years ago


  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Don Schweitzer - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best. No question.

  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Hans - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall for sure

  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Christine - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful

  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Regis - 7 years ago


  • Ed Bacon - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful.

  • Raphael H - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Eric - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Valerie - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful

  • Patty - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is finest in the USA

  • Ishmael - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful. Best in the USA.

  • Victor - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is beautiful.

  • Margie - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Kevin Duffy - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Zeb - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Candace - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall

  • Michael David - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall is best.

  • Ellen - 7 years ago

    We need your support vote for Peoria.

  • Parks and rec fans - 7 years ago

    Peoria people are big parks and rec fans. Vote Peoria.

  • Bo - 7 years ago

    Bo Knows Peoria City Hall is great!

  • Mrs Johnson - 7 years ago

    Listen to your teacher and vote for Peoria!

  • Shawn - 7 years ago

    Peoria city hall beautiful inside and out.

  • Ruby - 7 years ago

    Pasadena is the epitome of style, substance and iconic architecture!

  • Walter - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall. Best in the US.

  • Mike D - 7 years ago

    Peoria City Hall is the best....fact.

  • Harry C - 7 years ago

    Holy Cow!!!! Peoria City Hall is amazing!

  • Kanye - 7 years ago

    Yo, Pasadena, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Peoria has one of the best city halls of all time! One of the best city halls of all time!

  • Nick - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall. Best in the US.

  • Angela - 7 years ago

    There is a reason that Pasadena City hall is so often used in movies and television programs. It is the quintessential, classically elegant government building set in an extremely beautiful city that rivals any other not only with its lovely architecture, but also with its demographic diversity and its important academic and cultural institutions and museums.

  • Kylie - 7 years ago

    Go Peoria!

  • Adam White - 7 years ago

    I should have referenced "Peoria" in my previous post!!!

  • Adam White - 7 years ago

    I can't speak for the history of our City Hall like others on this thread, but it is one of the most beautiful city buildings I have ever stepped foot in!

  • Patricia Guevara - 7 years ago

    Pasadena is the BEST!

  • Kyle - 7 years ago

    Pasadena City Hall. Absolutely the most beautiful!

  • Jane - 7 years ago

    Woot woot Peoria!

  • Gina - 7 years ago

    Peoria's City Hall brings all the boys to the yard! Go PEORIA!!!!!

  • Blake - 7 years ago

    It's easy to forget that you're in a government building in the heart of the heartland when you're in Peoria's City Hall. It feels so European! I love it!

  • Jackie Jo - 7 years ago

    The marble in City Hall makes the acoustics awesome. Sometimes I like to go in there and scream my head off. Peoria is number one!

  • Francis - 7 years ago

    All the beauty in the world doesn't compare to Peoria's city hall!

  • Agelica - 7 years ago

    Architecture and Artwork! Peoria's City Hall has it all.

  • Ahmed - 7 years ago

    Peoria is the absolute best1

  • Cameron - 7 years ago

    Even from 300 miles away, Pasadena City Hall is clearly the most beautiful in the USA.

  • Frank - 7 years ago

    I miss Peoria : (

  • Shawn - 7 years ago

    I like Peoria City Hall I cannot lie.

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