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What is the best musical episode of the show so far?

Total Votes: 7,815

  • DashMaster325 - 7 years ago

    Oh my GOD...that was probably the toughest decision I've had to make on an EqD poll.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    Luna, while I love her, is very overrated...

  • Simeon Leonard - 7 years ago

    Interesting that the older an episode is, the fewer votes it has. Currently, their order of release seems to correlate to their popularity.

    S3, E13: 19%
    S4, E12: 20%
    S5, E18: 28%
    S6, E08: 33%

    I'd love to see this plotted on a chart. I think it's only natural to consider something "the best" when we enjoy it the most. Based on this, does it make more sense to deduce that MLP's musical episodes have gotten better over time, or are we just remembering more recent episodes more clearly and therefor more fondly? Idk, but I personally think Magical Mystery Cure has the most memorable and meaningful songs ;)

  • Puss In Boots - 7 years ago

    I think any episode that includes Luna will always be the winner of the polls. The episode didn't have as many memorable songs as the others, and it's just a typical Christmas episode. Oh well.

  • invinible - 7 years ago

    I went with Pinkie Pride as it as the only 1 that was a musical in itself instead of framework around the musical, was near constantly in song mode, didn't use any songs that distracted from the point of the story, and knew how much time it needed to tell the story.

  • Dogman15 - 7 years ago

    Each episode has at least one amazing song that's REALLY fun to listen to. "A True, True Friend", "The Goof Off" or "The Super Duper Party Pony", "Pinkie's Present", "Light of Your Cutie Mark", though there are at least two other fun songs in that episode...

    Also, @Silas Ruedin - You could always comment on another device, or delete your cookies or something. You won't be able to erase your old vote, but you can give a new vote to what you meant to vote for. I don't think EqD admins can even do what you're asking; it sounds like something only Polldaddy staff can do.

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    Low quality Christmas rip-off episode is more popular than the CMC getting their cutie marks... only because the Luna memes

    I am so heartbroken.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago


    I agree. Frankly I wish Cheese would return again (season 5 unfortunately did a false advertising thing that kinda suggested he would come back), and season 6 mostly unfortunately did feel like filler in it entirely, and has been the worst of the bunch so far.

  • Memebyerin - 7 years ago

    1-Pinkie Pride (PP)
    2-Magical Mystery Cure (MMC)
    3-Crusaders of the Lost MArk (CotLM)
    4-Hearth's Warming Tail (HWT)

    'Pinkie Pride' is my favourite episode of the entire show. What one earth is it doing so low. The songs are fantastic, none of them are bad or even forgettable. The story isn't predictable, is it quite original, Cheese Sandwich is a fantastically written character. The jokes are great. Pinkie Pie is at her best. There's not really any criticism of the show past 'God the town ditched Pinkie quickly'. Aside from that it's flawlessly written. WHY IS THIS SO LOW?!

    'Magical Mystery Cure' is a flawed gem. The songs vary from great and beloved (True, True Friend) to forgettable, short and ultimately filler (Behold Princess Twilight). It's possibly the most important episode of the show, and had the largest Status Quo shift ever. It's only flaw is that it's a 22m episode trying to be a 2 parter. It's a bad flaw, and hurts the episode severely. You can tell there are 2 stories both trying to be told (Starswirl's spell and Twilight becoming a Princess). But if you can look past that single (very legitimate) flaw, then this is easily one of the shows best episodes.

    'Crusaders of the Lost Mark' is one of the best episodes of Season 5, the season that keeps winning 'Best Season' Polls (Disclaimer i think 4 is better, but still think 5 is the 2nd best). Like 'Magical Mystery Cure' this episode is unbelievably important to the character progression of some of the main cast. We've been waiting for the CMC's cutie marks for so long, the staff knew they had to make it a huge event, and they did. The songs vary from great (We'll Make Our Mark) to bad (The Vote), so a step below 'MMC'. Diamond's sudden reformation was taken by some people well and some people poorly. Unlike 'MMC' everyone now accepts twilight being an Alicorn. With Diamond Tiara not every is convinced or accepting of her new 'reformed' character. So very similar to 'MMC', but ultimately one is superior to the other.

    Hearth's Warming Tail..... I just don't get the love for this episode..... Is it because it's just the most recent? Because it's nowhere near as good as everyone says. Like 'CotLM' it's one of the best episodes of it's season. But the difference is that Season 5 is in contention for the best season and Season 6 is in contention for the worst season.... which is a little telling. Some of the songs, i legitimately like (Pinkie's and Luna's). But i really don't get the love for Starlight's song..... It's just another 'Disney-Villain' style song. So i think that song was unimpressive, and is terribly overated, some songs were simply good, but others were badly forgettable (Townfolk's and Applejack's). So the songs are the worst overall of all the 4 episodes, the story is just a retelling of a 'Christmas Carol', so you can't praise the story TOO MUCH, especially considering we're supposed to know the 'CC' story before watching a 'HWT', so the story is defacto predictable, which is not a good thing. I don't understand how people can call this the best of the bunch. I'm assuming it's because it's the most recent one, and the one best in everyone's memory. It's a good episode, and compared to the rest of Season 6, which felt like nothing but filler episodes, it's easily one of the best, but it's not even close to the other season's best episodes. On a scale of good all round episodes, AND episodes with the best music.

  • Random pony - 7 years ago

    I love both, Crusaders of the lost mark and Magical mystery cure, but I voted for MMC since I knew it will be on the last place. These two episodes have the strongest emotions due to the big show-changing events as well as they're a big change for the specific characters' lives. And extremely catchy songs only make the emotions stronger and make me even more happy and proud of those characters. I expected CotLM getting the most votes, considering how popular that episode was, but it was rather a shock to see AHT in the spotlight instead. Despite it being a Christmas and musical episode, I never actually came to the answer what makes it so special.

  • Joshua Moudy - 7 years ago

    Silas... you MONSTER! What have you done?!

  • Feanor - 7 years ago

    Oh god, I'm sorry Silas. That is truly a disastrous mistake!

    Also, I am honestly pretty surprised that Lost Mark is not destroying this poll. I mean, the music straight up carried that episode.

  • Peter - 7 years ago

    A Hearth's Warming Tail hands down. It's the only musical episode that has a song as my favorite of the season.

  • Silas Ruedin - 7 years ago

    Please help Equestria Daily; I meant to vote for "A Hearth's Warming Tale", but accidently voted for "Magical Mystery Cure" instead! Please correct my error.

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