Which vampire was better for Buffy?


  • Intisaar Hamze - 2 years ago

    Angel, if it is between him or spike. Unpopular opinion but personally I've always been partial to Riley. He's a good person who gets along with Buffy's friends, is rough enough to help her and most importantly, is human therefore he has a future with her. Maybe it's because he gives of that hot captain America vibe but I enjoy seeing him on screen. But if it's between spike and Angel then I choose Angel. I don't care how much spike loves Buffy it doesn't change the fact that he tried to rape her. Even if I can get over the fact that he tried to kill her and her friends before, the attempted rape is something I can't forget. The thought of him as her love interest after that scene makes my skin crawl. He can be a friend but that's it. I normally respect people's choice but I can't understand what people see in Spike. it's gross. Angell is something I can get behind.

  • Sane Person - 3 years ago

    Angel. Of course! Why is this even a question? Spike TRIED TO RAPE BUFFY. Period. Done.
    Again, why is this even a question??

  • Felicia - 5 years ago

    Spike!!!! Spike is definitely Buffy's true love & the one she should be with! Spike loved her & would have done anything for her. & He still loved her before he got his soul. He's willing to give up his life to save Dawn & even after Buffy dies he takes care of her. He goes across the world to get a soul for Buffy & 2 of my favorite Spike moments, #1 being when EVERYONE, including her own ungrateful sister, Willow, & even Xander, all the potential slayers turn their backs on Buffy, when Spike finds out he's appalled & tells them so, always having her back & once he finds her he tells her how amazing she is & gives her the strength to face Caleb & get the scythe, the ends up dying to save the world & her. As apposed to Angel who tries to end the world (which Spike also tries to help stop!) Spike saves the world & Buffy. SPIKE & BUFFY FOREVER!

  • Jordan - 5 years ago

    Spike: When I first watched the first few seasons , I thought Angel and Buffy were perfect but over time it seemed that they were simply reliving the past. Spike fell in love with her, even if it was very unconventional, he fell in love. He fell in love without a soul. As the series goes along, he just continues to grow and makes excuses for helping the Scooby Gang while he really has grown to love Buffy more and even after she's dead he protects Dawn even though he's hurting. When he makes the mistake that costs him his relationship with Buffy he chooses to work hard even though he is in immense pain to get back the one thing that he believes she wants. He goes through trials just so he can have a soul like she always talks about. He then sacrifices himself to save Buffy and the rest.

  • Carol - 5 years ago

    It is absolutely Spike! Sure. Angel loved Buffy. But only after being cursed with a soul. For Angel having soul was a curse. He couldn’t even make love to Buffy without losing it. And when he did lose his soul, he hated Buffy and did everything he could to stop her from re-ensouling him. Spike, on the other hand went to the other side of the world to get his soul back, so that he would know and understand the difference between right and wrong and be able to apply it. He wanted to be a good enough man for Buffy. That’s love!

  • James - 5 years ago

    Angel without doubt, all these spike fanboys and girls need to re watch the bloody show, smg quote from season7" I killed angel and I love him more than I've ever loved anyone" mmm puppy love/first love I don't think so that was years after he left. Angel was always buffys true love

  • Desiree Depetris - 5 years ago

    I know a lot of people didn't like Spike but he does love Buffy and he proves it more than angel ever does in the shows finale he was there and he saved the word right along the side of buffy and he will fight till the end of the world literally for her... So if your team angel go ahead but realize Spike proves himself to buffy more and literally died for her and angel didn't.

  • vig - 6 years ago

    Team Spike every time!
    Sorry to those few Angel lovers, I have to go with Spike. He's romantic in a bad-boy way and all Angel ever did was brood. He gave up Buffy and then he acts all sad. IT WAS HIS CHOICE. Spike could have given her anything and would have (could have adopted kids). Angel couldn't.
    (Also Spike looks SOO much better than Angel).

  • Astral - 6 years ago

    I think the Angel = first love, Spike = true love is a good way to look at it.
    When you compare Angel to Spike you really have to consider the soul/no soul factor. And the fact is that without a soul Angel pretty much sucks, he had to be cursed twice.
    And yes obviously the chip in Spike’s head is what started his major transformation, but he also helped Buffy at the end of Season 2, way before the chip. And as a demon he fell in love with Buffy, and yes the demon in him meant that he did a bunch of awful things along the way, but he fought for his own soul back and once he got it he was definitely the better guy.
    I also think it’s interesting to look at the flashbacks that show both Angel and Spike before they were turned. Angel even before becoming a vampire was a useless drunken idiot. Spike was a poet who loved his mother.
    I know who I would choose ????

  • Ashlie Quinney - 7 years ago

    Spike because he's butter for her and Angel is not

  • Nick - 7 years ago

    Spike: at first he handled he's handled the situation bad (buffy and drusilla chained wtf scene). But in time he gained buffy's trust by protecting her friends and family, Bringing flowers for joyce and the moment before he was pushed of the tower when he realised he couldnt save dawn he cared a lot. I think the chip in hes brain could be slightly compared with angels soul.

    And for angel: in my eyes cordy was he's soullmate.

  • Tan - 7 years ago

    Angel all the way. Buffy gave Angel a reason to save the world after he was re-ensouled. He took a lot away from himself just to make sure that he didn't act in self interest the way he always did during his evil phase to ensure she had as normal a future as possible without him being the obstacle. Spike did go out n get his soul for her and their romance is also one of fairytales I suppose but I somehow wasn't all too convinced about how they handled the whole thing. No offence to team Spuffy ????

  • Me - 7 years ago

    Angel was her first love
    Spike is her forever love

    I like to think of William 'The Bloody' reciting snippets of (much improved) poetry for her every day...

  • Lina - 7 years ago

    Spike is the one who gives up everything for her, he even is willing to die for her sister instead of her, and remember this is before he have a soul, wold Angel do that? I don't think so! And when he gets his soul he is ready to be wathever she neds him to be, Angel never gave up anything for her spike gave up everything, it's like a farytale love story... So I can't see why she should end up whit Angel he is a very one sided character who could never love her if he hadn't been cursed with a soul. And let's face it the sex is nessesery and if she and Angel go down that road he will lose his soul and try to kill her and the sex between her and spike is soo hot.

  • Anne - 7 years ago

    Angel! Always will always be. There are both each other's love of their lives! Even though they end up with someone else, deep inside they love and care for each other and will protect each other no matter what. that's epic love! Slightly forbidden love (due to soul kinda thingy all that) but that's the beauty of all.. Be a long time coming. Years, if ever.........

  • Bella - 7 years ago

    Spike .Because Angel needed a soul to love Buffy and Angel hated and tried to kill Buffy without his soul and could have. but Spike never could have because he loved her even without a soul and even got a soul for Buffy, Angel didnt he got it as a punishment

  • jennifer hernandez - 7 years ago

    Buffy and angel for ever angel truly loved and always will just like her, there each other's true love he's always trying to look out for her even if it means that he'll be unhappy but she always the priority and in the last season she even states that she'll never love anyone the way she loed angel.spike never truly loved her he was just obsessed with her and because he knows that she doesnt love him makes him be more obsessed with her I think spike is perfect with drew she should come back and be good or give her a soul..so in conclusing if buffy does end up with some one it should be angel we deserve to see that happy ending!

  • Lan - 7 years ago

    Spike! He loved her even when he was a complete monster, without a soul. He loved her even when she hated him, and never stopped helping her. He fought for his soul only for her, and kept on loving her without asking for anything after that. He changed from being pure evil to be a hero just because of her. AND SHE chooses Spike OVER Angel in the Comics (which are canonical, btw)!

  • Jelissa - 7 years ago

    Because spike does everything for Buffy.

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