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Did the debates change how you plan to vote? (Poll Closed)


  • SERENDIPPITTY - 16 years ago

    To decide how to vote one only need look at the record of the CPC and its conduct of doublespeak. You could start with the "fixed date" election legistation ... and the claim it would prevent calling an election "at the whim" of the governing party. Then, you could look at the government claim of committee dysfunction, legislative delay, and the Jay Hill manual, [rumoured to comprise some 200 pages] which presents a how-to, for filibuster, witness tampering, absentee chairmen, meeting cancellations when members and witnesses are in place. Cap that with the strongly perceived lack of intellectual bench strength on the government side and a singular propensity to conduct themselves in an immature, disrespectful and irrational manner. I would cite 3 government members as examples, but there are obviously many more who would fit the collar.


    Van Loan


  • D.W Weese - 16 years ago

    What does Frank Jamieson mean by rude American? Does he ever watch the American debates? Both the British House of Commons and the American House are much more civilized than the Canadian House of Commons. It's the Canadians that are rude and childish. The trouble with a number of Canadians is that they think they are so superior to everyone else that they never look at themselves. They are always finding fault with everyone else. See Chris Jensen's comments and many other thinking Canadians not all you Canadians who have your heads buried in the sand.

  • Les Zevit - 16 years ago

    What Debate ???????
    All I heard and saw were 4 people yelling at Stephen Harper with the idea I guess that whoever yelled the loudest won. What a waste of time. Unfortunately the insipid moderator didn't bring a whip. O well on to the election Les in Victoria

  • Eric Jardin - 16 years ago

    Harper is a Fraud. He never presented anything to Canadians in that debate. Nothing. Where is his policy? Stay the Course is not a policy, well it is, but its the worst of policies in light of GW Bush's predicament now, and he started the Stay The Course movement.

    I want a Dynamic Prime Minister, not just one that can sit still for 2 hours.


  • FRANK JAMIESON - 16 years ago

    What a sorry state we have evolved to, when people continue to interrupt when a person is this case the 4 on 1....just rude and so American Jack Layton looked like he was at the union negotiating/bargaining table with his bulldog style....perhaps he thought he was in the House. I just about spilled my Scotch when he said NDP goverments do not run deficits...tell that to Ontario with Bob Rae and Manitobians. I'm flabergasted no one challenges, whenever they speak of Dr shortage in Canada, that no one points out that it was Bob Rae who reduced the slots in med schools in 90s that is so seriously impacting Ontario and Canada now..but at least he is now a Liberal. Did I miss Dion speaking of the Green Shift?? One person acted like a PM instead of a high school brats.

  • Mars - 16 years ago

    Don't like the format of our debates. Each leader should have their say so-- 2 start with- then each be asked the same question- in order-= then each allowed 2 respond--then the closing statement. I don't see it as winners or losers---just go with the best spoken of the night! Must say-- Eliizabeth- had it all together- knew her stuff--- next Duciepe--said what he had 2 say-- they all ganged up on Harper- which was unecessary-especially- Jack Layton- comes across as a big-brash- bully---very childish remark"behind your sweater"--- I suppose he thought he had a "knock out punch"--which made no sense whatsoever!-not very intelligent -- anyone voteing- 4 such- better have their hearing checked!!!!! At least Harper had intelligent comments about what he proposes-- & the war can not be switched off overnite---by any of the parties- it's there- has 2 be dealt with in due course.

  • D. W. Weese - 16 years ago

    If the "debates" [were they really debates?] had changed my mind, I'd vote for Elizabeth May. She is the only candidate that spoke intelligently and stated her policies and points of view with conviction. Also, she called Harper to task for the "lies" he propagates. Harper has lied, cheated, and acts like a dictator, can the Canadian public really trust him? The media should stop telling the Canadian people he is our only choice. The Canadian media has their heads buried in the sand.

  • Alex Mills - 16 years ago

    I agree with Chris - that was not a debate. It was more a four person dump on the Prime Minister to try and garner votes. Not one issue was properly debated. What is with Ms. May with her continual shouted comments out of turn - she sounded like a miffed high schooler. The moderator did a poor job controlling this preening gab fest.

    When asked to say something nice about the person on your left(in a debate?) you will notice that Steven Harper was the only one to make a complement without a qualifier.

  • Chris Jensen - 16 years ago

    I hope for the Democrats... Of, sorry... you mean the Canadian debate... what debate? I am still waiting ..... That was a sorry meeting with the 5 heads of parties. What did they debate about?
    I suggest they sit down and watch the American debates and get a few pointers on what is a debate ... a civilized debate!

  • Jerry Randall - 16 years ago

    Here in Cumberland County, NS it would appear that most voters are going to mark their X for Bill Casey - Independant. It's a matter of doing what's right - he did when he voted against the budget that was disregarding the legal contract that was the Atlantic Accord for the newly minted Accord According to Harper. Bill is an honorable man, a rare breed of politician, and he set an example for all of those people who represent us in Ottawa to follow. He put his career on the line in order to support honesty and integrity. He deserves to be re-elected, and because he's also been a good, solid representative of his constituents through his years of service, people's votes will not be wasted. We won't even notice he is not a member of the caucus of the government of the day, since nothing was coming our way from them anyway. I predict he will win the largest majority percentage vote in the nation. That should send a message!

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