Who Is Your Favorite GH Dynamic Duo - Luke & Robert or Jason & Curtis?


  • Phyllis - 8 years ago

    Loved Luke & Robert but time passes and time to pass down the crown. Jason and Curtis make a good team and bring in a little humor when needed :). I like Jason with Curtis rather than Sunny. I love Sonny but he is too hard core for Jason now, as he is trying to be better for his family....but I want Sunny and Jason to stay close and be there for each other as "family".

  • Susan - 8 years ago

    I am not young I am in my 70's loved Luke and Robert in the day but Jason and Curtis has a new fresh vibe and I love it

  • Cindy - 8 years ago

    For true General Hospital fans, there will never be another pairing like Luke and Robert. Jason and Curtis are okay.... not nearly as compelling and exciting.

  • DrBowling - 8 years ago

    Jason and Curtis are both fine, and fun, and fabulous together. Loved Luke and Robert back in the day, but no comparison.

  • Dolly - 8 years ago

    I also agree with Barbara. For someone who has watched GH from day one characters like Luke and Robert brought fun and excitement to the show. Jason and Curtis just starting out as a team not quite there yet.

  • pgmendez520 - 8 years ago

    Curtis and Jason are great together the humor they have I look forward to see what they will do next yes luke and Robert were great at there time Now its curtis and Jason's time and we all are loving it ..you go GH !!!!!!!!

  • Pat Smith - 8 years ago

    I agree with Barbara. I love Curtis and Jason but Luke and Robert were the epitome of a dynamic duo.

  • Annie - 8 years ago

    Curtis is fun to watch and has a sense of humor. The personlity for this character
    Is refreshing.

  • barbara - 8 years ago

    obviously it's young people voting - no one was like Luke and Robert ---- Jason and Curtis are great but Luke and Robert were the masters...

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