Which Cover Should Peter Use?


  • Joseph Bronson - 7 years ago

    Good luck with your book. Self publishing is quite a challenge

  • Maricela Lomeli - 7 years ago

    I chose cover A because birds are free to take off and fly, which makes the reader feel a sense of freedom, when the story takes off, a sense of triumph and hope where as cover B it has a tranquil scenery, it gives the book a dull feeling, just floating there in water at a stand still. Good luck with your book !

  • Alice McCracken - 7 years ago

    I like the blue color much better than the yellow-gold, which at least on my computer is almost glaring for my eyes. I do love pelicans and sailboats, but the blue is sharper and I can see it.

    I don't understand the small type for the cover and larger type for the back cover. It seems odd and reversed from normal. Until I enlarged it, I couldn't read the title. Since most of your sales will come on the Internet, and people will be looking at small pictures of your cover, I would think you would want the title to stand out and be memorable. It practically disappears, and the name of the author is so small as not to be readable at all without enlarging. Give this some thought, unless you are going totally with bookstores where folks will be picking up the book and can look at it closely.

  • Brenda McComb - 7 years ago

    Bright colors will attract a consumer quicker than the earth tones. Good luck with your book.

  • Jan - 7 years ago

    Don't really like either one. Just don't give a clue what the book is about.

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