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What Setting Would You Like a Pony Side Series to Take Place in?

Total Votes: 5,757

  • sam - 7 years ago

    it's a show about colorful ponies... it IS HIGH FANTASY already.

  • Zidders - 7 years ago

    Equestria, rather.

  • Zidders - 7 years ago

    Why isn't there an option for Equestrian but in places we haven't seen or see little of?

  • CatsTuxedo - 7 years ago

    Having a pony side-series be another fantasy feels redundant. Since space has been established to be canon and we haven't really explored that aspect of the universe yet, I wanna see them take that angle.

  • J47fly - 7 years ago

    I'm surprised nobody likes ponies in a dinosaur period. I would vote for Lost Dinosaur World all the way.

  • don - 7 years ago

    "Spike! Stop giving Rarity all your stuff!"

    "Really Twilight dear I can't fault him for being so generous"

    "Twilight roll a save for D.M.s revenge"

    "I don't believe this!"

    "You lose all your stuff and Rarity finds all she wants..."



  • Jason - 7 years ago

    What about a dystopian world? ????

  • Scrounge - 7 years ago

    I think an EqG side series could work pretty well, There's definitely room to expand the setting and make new rules.

  • Emptybee - 7 years ago

    I agree with what Neil said.

    Specifically if there was such a side series, I'd like it to be set in the past during the founding of Equestria. Show us the real Smart Cookie, etc. and the struggles they went through. Show us Celestia and Luna before they grew up.

  • Neil - 7 years ago

    Those all sound kind of ridiculous, I'd rather just have it take place in Equestria but featuring new characters.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    I vote fantasy, like how G1 MLP was.

  • Joshua Moudy - 7 years ago

    Why did I choose "Post Apocalyptic"? Two words: Fallout Equestria.

  • Golden Leaves - 7 years ago

    Funny to me that Dungeon's and Dragon's is winning since the show is already close to that at points.

  • Starry Wisp - 7 years ago

    Personally, I think an alternate universe with the background six replacing the Mane Six would be great. Or perhaps an EQG or GOH series.

  • [TRIGGERED] - 7 years ago

    >implying cyberpunk & steampunk are even relatively the same

  • StarGear - 7 years ago

    Surprised post apocalyptic doesn't have more votes with you know, FoE.

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