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Should Eric Forgive Quinn or Move On With Katie?


  • Belle - 7 years ago

    Both katie and brooke need to remember their past and taken down a peg ridge should of stayed with caroline steffy and ilam just don't work eric and quinn work it out tom go over to spectra with sally

  • Dawn - 7 years ago

    Love Eric and Quinn. Can't stand medling Katie. Glad Bill got a divorce. She is evil. Liam looks to young and short for steffy who face is distorted. Her lips are awful. Sex scenes are a joke. Hard to look at her. She is not pretty anymore. Steffy face is a mess. Wyatt was great. He was more suited to Steffy. The other couple are a joke. Loved her step sister. Marriage was wrong . Maya story crazy. Love Sasha . Send
    married the wrong girl. He is a busy body. Should have picked Sasha. She is great and pretty. Mot his type.

  • s bresett - 7 years ago

    I think Steffy has a few more years on her when you look at Liam. Still can't understand the writers making her look like such a nice person. I am still reeling from the things she did to Hope etc.

  • Sharon cummins - 8 years ago

    Please Eric move on, let that demon go.

  • Jeanette - 8 years ago

    I feel that Eric and Quinn should stay together. Katie sould go to Bill. And. Brooke and Ridge should be together

  • Jeanette - 8 years ago

    I feel that Eric and Quinn should stay together. Katie sould go to Bill. And. Brooke and Ridge should be together

  • Dawn - 8 years ago

    Love Quinn and Eric together. Liam will move on. Steffy face is distorted. Her lips are not real.Brook should not marry Ridge he is not trustworthy . Steffy needs an older man not a kid like Liam. He is to short for her. He looks like her Sally story line. . Puts uff in the story. Finally someone new. Love her.

  • Dawn - 8 years ago

    Can't stand Karyn. She has become a witch. Candy stand Liam also. Steffens face is distorted. Her lips may her look guy.

  • Baby Girl - 8 years ago

    I dont think Eric should take Quinn back because if she loved him his son would have been her last choice.Loyalty means not crossing that line period.

  • Baby Girl - 8 years ago

    I dont think Eric should take Quinn back because if she loved him his son would have been her last choice.Loyalty means not crossing that line period.

  • Kj - 8 years ago

    I want Brooke and Bill together!!!! I don't care about Ridge, Eric or Quinn....

  • Carla - 8 years ago

    Keep Eric and Quin together! Ridge was trying to set Quinn up and fell for her. Katie is nosey, how could this be any worse than her sister and her husband! They need a new lady love for Bill. He originally got with Katie for a scam. She needs to mind her business. Ridge however crooked would still be with Caroline if not for Katie!!! Brooke is always in offices and around corners making googoo eyes at Bill, and Ridge never cathces them! lol!

  • Phyllis - 8 years ago

    At least Quinn & Ridge didn't have sex. Does Brooke have the right to say anything to Quinn, after she was having sex with her own sister' s husband!!! REALLY?? Eric and Quinn are great together, let him forgive her, is he an angel?

  • LTanya Byrd - 8 years ago

    I think the best case scenario should be:

    1. Eric and Katie
    2. Brooke and Bill
    3. Quinn and Ridge

    This way everybody is happy in the end.
    Just let there be a wining road to all of this.

    Have Quinn continue to be the woman that she has become.
    Eric can't forgive Ridge or Quinn for the betrayal. He also realizes that it could possibly be his fault for sending them away together.
    Katie makes it easier for Eric to go on with his life.
    Bill loves Brooke anyway. This makes him the better guy and Brooke realizes it.
    In other words, Brooke just can't trust Ridge anymore.
    Quinn and Ridge works well together in the Designing. Let them be together.

    Steffy's brother takes a major role in the running of the Spectra business.
    He marries Sally Spectra.

    Wyatt needs to find someone, maybe the cousin.

  • LINDA L CARVER - 8 years ago

    rooting for Quinn

  • Dj - 8 years ago

    Please no Katie and Eric that's just gross!!!! Eric should forgive Quinn they are great together!!!

  • Lori - 8 years ago

    Good lord, please NO Katie & Eric.
    How ridiculous would that be.??!! Aahhhh......
    Quinn is great for Eric.
    Actually not half bad for ridge either.
    Do the right thing......

  • Cindy Lou - 8 years ago

    After all the kiss that Brook saw was a good bye kiss. Eric and Quinn belong together. They are good for one another.

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    Let Eric forgive Quinn ,I love them together.

    Eric has already been with Brook and Donna
    Please not another Logan sister, (Sick)

  • Jayne - 8 years ago

    Eric should definitely forgive Quinn. Quinn loved him and she makes Eric feel young again. Plus he forgave Stephanie and Brooke enough times.

    There is no spark with Katie and she is nosey and she belongs with Bill

  • Tannerlee - 8 years ago

    I might give Quinn a chance Katie I like but she is too busy and nosey

  • daniellen27 - 8 years ago

    I hope Ridge. And Quinn end up together. They deserve each other! Truly, Brooke is geting her own medicine after all these years. But she matured. Let Brooke then be happy with Bill! Let Katie finally have some happiness. Heather Tom is only acting what she' given and if people hate her character, it's because she's extremely talented! Go Katie and Eric! Go Brill!

  • Judy - 8 years ago

    Hope Eric forgives Quinn. Also hope Quinn makes buzzard bait of Katie!lol, yea I know,it's just a soap but we do tend to get emotinaly involved.:)

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