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Which of Pinkie's family should get more episodes with Pinkie?

Total Votes: 5,229

  • Aureai - 7 years ago

    From them, the most interesting character in my opinion is Limestone Pie. She has a unique sadic personality that overflows of possible funny scenarios, and it would be certainly striking to see how she develop herself around such different ponies. However, I didn't vote for her: we already have an idea of how is she and a decent screen time, but I want to know about Marble Pie. Who is she? Why she's so shy? How does her voice sounds? How is her personality aside of an introvert timid equine? There's a lot of questions that I can do about her, so she won my vote.

  • Squiggy - 7 years ago

    Voted Marble. Glad Maud isn't winning the poll, we've had an overabundance of that boring pony already.

  • ihhh - 7 years ago

    On the one hand, Marble Pie is probably the least interesting of the Pie sisters. On the other hand, this is mostly due to her limited screentime and interactions, so I don't think it's fair to judge her potential as a character when she hasn't had a chance to show it. I don't see this as a bad thing, but I think an episode that gives her more focus could shed a lot more light on who she is as a pony, something which her first appearance didn't really do. Of course, this does run the risk of such an episode being dull, but that really depends on what direction the writer of that episode chooses to take her in, so such a thing may be a gamble, but it's a low risk gamble, as the worst thing that could happen is a bad episode that can easily be forgotten, and it's better to try and fail in a harmless way then to not try at all.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    I vote Marble, she's the cutest of them to me. I wish I had a sister like her (I used to have a good sister, but she just spat in my family's face and I have disowned her).

  • Rarity - 7 years ago

    When a character that can only say "mhm" is winning the poll by such a large margin,
    you can learn a thing or two about the fandom.

  • Saphire Systrine - 7 years ago

    Wait, you can comment on here...?

  • J47fly - 7 years ago

    Since where already getting another Maud Pie episode for Season 7 confirmation *cough*(spoilers), I would want to see a Limestone & Pinkie solo episode plot.

  • Smoove - 7 years ago


  • Starry Wisp - 7 years ago

    How about Gummy?

  • Swash - 7 years ago

    Still waiting for Maud and Spike to fucking MEET.

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