Which April Fools EQD Event Was the Best?


  • SGFAE - 7 years ago

    Starlight Glimmer is overrated and her fans are hypocrites. I hope she's written out of the show soon, it's painful to watche when she's there so I'll be skipping her episodes from now on.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 7 years ago


  • Supreme Dalek - 7 years ago

    Dangit! I've only been in the fandom long enough to see two of these!

  • Lotto - 7 years ago

    I remember MAN Daily had the best upcoming season episode synopses ever. The Vampire Diaries were my favorite ones!

  • Hawk - 7 years ago

    @Daimando Ditto!

  • daimando - 7 years ago

    We need a Tirek takes over next year.

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    Maybe everything turned G1 style or something...

  • Hawk - 7 years ago

    Yus! Starlight takeover was pretty hilarious!

    @Sailor SednaYeah, I'm wondering the same thing. It must have been glorious XD

  • Sailor Sedna - 7 years ago

    What was the G1 April Fool's thing like?

  • paradoxical - 7 years ago

    Whichever; more pony

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